(zapisywać coś) to write (sth in)
(do spisu) to enter, to list
(geom. - wrysowywać np. koło w kwadrat) to inscribe
~ się (na listę) to check in, to enter, to sign in
(w albumie itp.) to write
vt to register, to write down
wpisywać się - to sign in
to register, to enter one’s name (on the list)
1. to enter
2. to register~ do ksiąg to enter into the books ~ do rejestru to enter in the register~ na czyjść rachunek to pay into sb's account
(wpisać) vt to enter, to register, to put, to record ~ do ksiąg to enter into the books ~ klauzulę do umowy to insert a clause into a contract ~ do rejestru to enter in the register ~ na czyjść rachunek to pay into sb’s account ~ na listę to enter the list, to put on the list
to enter, to register, to put, to record