~ granic - violation of frontiers
~, jaskrawe - flagrant violation
~ konstytucji kraju - violation of the country's constitution
~ neutralności - violation of neutrality
~ nietykalności - violation of inviolability
~ praw człowieka - human rights violation
~ prawa - law violation, infringement of the law
~ prawa międzynarodowego - violation of international law
(prawa) breach, violation
n nt U violation
ntr violation
infringement, breach
violation, breach~ celów organizacji - violation of the purpose of the organization~ ciężkie - flagrant violation~ czyjegoś prawa - flagrant infringement of sb.’s right~ prawa - violation of the law~ rażące - flagrant violation of the law~ ustawodawstwa - violation of the legislation
1. violation
2. breach
3. infringement ~ czyichś praw infringement (up) on sb’s rights ~ embarga sanctions busting ~ prawa breaking of the law, infraction of the law, violation of the law ~ umowy breach of the contract, violation of the contract
1. violation 2. breach 3. infringement