(Adverb) skromnie, grzecznie, uprzejmie; wstydliwie;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The Labour government appears to have wasted large amounts of money. The pile of cuts offered by new ministers on the Treasury altar grows by the day. It began modestly with ministerial cars and home information packs. It swelled with school quangos, regional agencies, Heathrow runways, student fees, criminal records computers and ID cards. This week the big beasts came into sight: public sector pensions, sickness benefits and even defence procurement.
"The great thing about this course is that the girls are learning that dressing modestly does not have to be boring," says Hassaanah, a teacher in an Islamic school in Tooting Bec.
The other thing it's done, and she gamely accepts this, is that it's made her a pin-up. Men, who spent their teen sick days sweating in front of Blue Peter, contribute to the immense collection of semi-reverential blogs in her name, including links to YouTube clips where you'll find her, bikini-clad, being scrubbed down in a Moroccan hammam for Blue Peter, and compilations of her "cleavage classics". Does she know the effect she has on these boys, with their taped episodes, their clammy pause buttons? She laughs throatily. "I guess when you're on Blue Peter there's that goody-two-shoes image which people find attractive. It's like when people fancy their teacherâ?? It's that forbidden fruit thing. But thenâ??" again she pulls back, tucking her words in modestly to avoid offence, "people fancy anyone in the public eye."
I was welcomed by Brother Martin, one of the younger monks. He signed me in, then led me upstairs to the residential quarters and opened the door to my room. Is it conceivable that I was just the tiniest bit disappointed? Was I secretly hoping for a windswept cell with nothing but a stone slab on which to sleep? Quite possibly. The room before me was modestly furnished â?? a single bed, a chest of drawers, a wash basin, a desk and chair â?? but was twice the size of my bedroom back in Hackney. And a good deal warmer. Perhaps monastic life wasn't quite as austere as I'd been led to believe.
What's going on here, Vicky, is "the spaghetti-strap delusion". Translated, this means that women think spaghetti straps are somehow sexy because they show more shoulder flesh, when in fact they just look rubbish and droopy (and that refers to both the dress and the breasts beneath it) and, frankly, cheap and nasty. This delusion takes on epidemic proportions when it comes to the maxidress. Some idiot somewhere told high-street retailers and women shoppers that if they are well covered up on their bottom half, then they should have skimpy shoulder straps. As anyone with the slightest idea of physics could tell you, this is ridiculous. There is no way that some pathetic little spaghetti straps can support the weight of fabric required to make a maxidress. Thus, you get the weird phenomenon that you touch on, Vicky, of women with their legs as modestly covered as those of a nun, but with three-quarters of their breasts hanging out.
The man himself, meanwhile, had switched from Czech to French (pretty amazing in itself), producing three shortish novels and another stimulating essay in the form of variations, The Curtain. The opposite of a curtain-raiser, Encounter is a curtain lowerer or encore: a linked collection of pieces originally written in French, some from 20 years ago, modestly offering themselves as "reflections and recollections" on "old themes (existential and aesthetic) andâ?? old loves".
The Indian "homestay" experience has grown from strength to strength since the idea first emerged in Kerala, a decade or so ago. Now there are homestay tours and specialist agencies for the many hospitable families offering modestly priced accommodation in a variety of homes from city apartments to plantation houses. The majority are in the far north or the far south (Delhi, Rajasthan, Kerala), but the idea is spreading into other states. As a general rule, they are middle-class houses, largely run by the active retired professionals, though there are younger, or poorer, families among homestay hosts. Website galleries proudly feature pictures of "European-style toilets"; they often promise safe drinking water, station and airport pick-ups, drinks in the lounge among the family portraits. Some simply offer homely bed and breakfast while others veer towards the boutique hotel (which is reflected in the price), but the ones to look for are those that invite you to join the family, sample home-cooked regional food and explore the suburbs, hilltops and backwaters of those untouristy corners of India you might never otherwise see.
About the only modestly sized object on board is the ship's wheel, far above on the bridge, which is slightly smaller than the steering wheel of a Mini. "It is only used in port," explains Emanuele Truant, Fincantieri's planning and production control manager. "At sea the ship is effectively steered by a computer mouse."
If we were being cold and clear-eyed about this, we might also make mention of the Easterlin Paradox, named after the economist Richard Easterlin. This refers to the fact that while, in any given country, richer people tend to report more happiness than poorer ones, very rich countries don't have happier populations, on average, than only modestly well-off ones. This paradox, it's true, has been questioned in recent years: it seems to depend on whether you measure people's moment-to-moment mood, or ask them if they're satisfied with life in general. But the generally accepted conclusion is that above a certain level, more money doesn't bring more moment-to-moment joy. The most specific version of this puts the threshold figure, in the US, at $75,000, or about Â?47,000 at current exchange rates. Since the average UK salary is about Â?26,000, this certainly shouldn't be interpreted to mean that more money wouldn't make millions of British people happier. But it does suggest that high salaries shouldn't be a cause of envy, or of bragging.
Modestly revelling in her newfound celebrity, Maria then toured all the great observatories of Europe, subjecting their various astronomers to her candid, Nantucket eye and salty humour. She visited Greenwich Observatory and the Royal Society, bringing with her as a calling card the first known photograph of a star. For the most part, she was enthusiastically received, especially by the kindly John Herschel, though she was "riled" by Whewell's chauvinist teasing while dining at Trinity College high table. She was also amazed to be told by Sir George Airy FRS, the British astronomer royal: "In England, there is no astronomical public and we do not need to make science popular."
He's been brought up as a good boy, to always order modestly.
Wychowali go na dobrego chłopaka. Zawsze zamawia skromne rzeczy. Bardzo przepraszam.
Finally, you must wear your habit modestly at all times.
I na koniec, musisz nosić habit skromnie przez cały czas.
They play the key role, but stay modestly hidden.
Odgrywają one kluczową rolę choć pozostają skromnie ukryte.
At the Cultural section of the embassy we're modestly re-numerated.
W kulturowej sekcji ambasady jesteśmy ubogo wyposażani
Just remember our family position and conduct yourself properly and modestly.
Pamiętaj o pozycji rodzinnej, zachowuj się właściwie i skromnie.
Oh, yes! I wanted to modestly request your daughter's hand in marriage...
A tak, żeby wasza szczodrobliwość dała mi rękę waszej córki.
We, on the other hand, who oppose the euro - there is no way of putting this modestly - have been proved absolutely right.
My zaś, przeciwnicy euro - nie da się tego ująć delikatniej - dowiedliśmy, że mamy zupełną rację.
Let the EU behave modestly, so that it may benefit from great ambitions.
Niech Europa zachowa umiar, to wielkie ambicje przyniosą korzyści.
Not to say modestly,it's our very future, Matt.
Cóż, nie będę tutaj skromny - to przyszłość, Matt.
Hence our support for the 'home-grown' rule, which - albeit more modestly - has the same objectives in mind.
Stąd nasze poparcie dla zasady rekrutacji rodzimych graczy, która - choć w bardziej umiarkowanym stopniu - kieruje się tymi samymi przesłankami.
johnny North lives very modestly, uh, for a man of his means.
Johnny North żył bardzo skromnie, niestety, jak na faceta jego pokroju.
Even before I started wearing the veil, I dressed and behaved modestly.
Nawet zanim zaczęłam zasłaniać się, ubierałam się i zachowywałam skromnie.
Lucius, you can’t say anything modestly!
Lucius, ty nie możesz powiedzieć niczego skromnie.
In the meantime, fisheries concessions remain unchanged for Iceland and are modestly increased for Norway.
Tymczasem koncesje w sektorze rybołówstwa dla Islandii pozostają niezmienione, a dla Norwegii zostają w niewielkim stopniu zwiększone.
For example, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights is very modestly resourced and we should increase its funding.
Na przykład europejski instrument na rzecz wspierania demokracji i praw człowieka na świecie jest bardzo skromnie zaopatrzony i powinniśmy zwiększyć jego finansowanie.