(Adjective) czyhający; dręczący; podglądający;
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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Normally when presented with other actresses' work I tighten my fake smile and try to poison their tiny dog but I have to make an exception for The Killer Inside Me, which is a good film. It is also a misogynistic film â?? but why shouldn't it be? I would argue that something dark is lurking between the sexes and that it is seeping out into cinema. The film expresses misogyny not simply in the actions of the central character â?? deputy sheriff Lou Ford, played by Casey Affleck â?? but also in its overarching ethos, as it denies the women involved enough characterisation to allow an audience to bond with them and consequently feel their pain, humiliation and degradation. In wanting to see women put in positions of sexual and physical disenfranchisement, film-makers such as Michael Winterbottom or Lars von Trier (who directed last year's equally controversial Antichrist) seem to be unconsciously expressing something that is not unique to them.This is the current bizarre situation â?? a system set up to make things easy for those in porn-denial and those who sell to them. Meanwhile, the rest of us are forced to take action and often pay to avoid the same porn (parental restrictions, spam technology etc). Is this what xxx would do â?? flush out the AP hordes, force them to make clear, defined choices about their online destinations, instead of lurking in the shadows of the regular web? Well, good. This would solve the main problem of online porn â?? not the people who want it, but the people who don't: not for themselves or for their children.How exactly this one-time barmaid and English literature graduate of the University of London has ended up here surrounded by dead animals â?? not only the pigeons and crows but a selection of pheasant chicks, a vulture and an antique chimp (plus heaven-knows-what lurking in those freezers) â?? is almost a mystery to her. She only did a one-day taxidermy course on a whim, after she was decorating a flat and couldn't find any stuffed animals she liked on eBay. After being cajoled into showing some pieces at her friends' bar opening in 2004 and then at another friend's stand at the Zoo Art Fair, where her work â?? a rat curled in a champagne glass â?? was sold before the fair even opened, she gradually came to terms with her new profession.Recently, David Laws was supposed to serve as a lightning rod for debate about parliamentary-media-public homophobia. Never mind that the real story was about yet another MP (gay, straight, whatever) caught fiddling his expenses and mumbling pathetic excuses as he left; everyone was wailing about "poor David" and his "terrible treatment". Really? At which point was Laws described as "mincing", or portrayed as an evil queen, lurking bat-like in the corridors of Westminster? When was Laws ever treated as belittlingly as Mandelson?There's a scene in Don Quixote where the deluded would-be knight is listening to fulling mills. This is not the famous windmill scene: in that one, the machines are clearly visible; this one, by contrast, takes place in pitch-black night. Quixote, struck by the mills' rhythmic metallic clankings, persuades himself that they are the half-articulated groans and snarls of monsters. He's wrong, of course: they're mills. But then again, perhaps, in the way madmen sometimes are, he's right. Just maybe, in the looping chains of broken syllables, the clashing metre of compounded phonemes, he's picking up a message, a weak signal slowly forming in time's static: an announcement, for those astute enough to hear, of a monstrous age of mechanised industry lurking in the night of the future.Ever since that period, talk of a sinister underbelly, the nasty truth lurking beneath Sweden's shiny surface, has afflicted the national conversation, particularly in the cultural realm. In the novels of writers such as Mankell and Larsson, as well as the films of Lukas Moodysson, corruption, vice and despair run rampant.As well as testing our compatibility, the doctors need to be sure that Rachel's kidneys function well enough to withstand one being removed. They also want to check that she has no lurking health problems of her own.9th over: Pakistan 8-1 (Butt 6 Ali 0) Here is Ali then, Test cricket's only known Doric speaker. Anderson is persisting with his around the wicket attack to the left-handed Butt, though the ball is mostly passing by wide of off-stump. It's a curious plan this one, especially as Anderson uses it so much. His last delivery is a beauty, skipping through off the pitch. "Greater national prominence needs to be given to the mighty Staffordshire Oatcake," insists Michael Rogers, "Detail can be provided by your colleague (and, apparently, fellow Port Vale fan) Mr Busfield, who I believe from my lurking on the county cricket blog has spent some time in God's Own Country. Basically, it's a sort of savoury pancake which is stuffed with pork products like sausage and bacon, with the addition of melted cheese, and if you're feeling cheeky, extras such as mushrooms, tomatoes, eggs (I'd give the pate a miss). Add brown or red sauce - much debate about this in Stoke but I'm no zealot - and cram into your slavering maw, before idly wondering about the shooting pain in your left arm."After all this good stuff, there's what I call the comet trail: the subsequent hours-long, bitty, unsatisfying sessions of utter timewasting. I find myself looking up absolute nonsense only tangentially related to my work, fuelled by obsessions and whims and characterised by topic-hopping, bad spelling, squinting, forum lurking and comically wide-ranging search terms. I end having created nothing myself, feeling isolated, twitchy and unable to sleep, with a headache and painful eyes, not having left the house once.Rosie and Kelly, still lurking for another glimpse of Dr Christian, agree. They say that their friends wouldn't laugh at them if they appeared on Embarrassing Bodies because the fact it's on TV legitimises the problem â?? takes the shame away.
Only this time there was someone lurking around the house.
Tylko, że tym razem ktoś się czaił tuż przy domu.
What are you doing up here lurking on your balcony?
Co robisz tutaj, czając się na balkonie?
I keep feeling like someone's lurking around, ready to pounce.
Czuję się, jakby tylko czyhali, by się na mnie rzucić.
And yet I sense a big hairy but lurking around the corner.
Wyczuwam tu wielkie ale, które czai się gdzieś za rogiem.
Fear of that there are communists lurking around every corner.
Strach przed komunistami, kryjącymi się za każdym rogiem.
A person with that much power lurking in him.
Osoba z taką mocą. Pracowanie nad nią.
Chaos is out there, and he's lurking beyond the horizon.
Chaos jest tam, i czai się za horyzontem.
I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor.
Właśnie znalazłem tego chłopca szukającego czegoś w korytarzu na piętrze.
Huh! So you were listening to my lecture and not just lurking outside.
Więc słuchałeś mojego wykładu a nie tylko czaiłeś się na zewnątrz.
Like a virus, war was always lurking inside you.
Jak wirus, wojna zawsze kryła się w was.
My emotions are just lurking below the surface like a floating mine.
Moje uczucia do Clouseau unoszą się tuż pod powierzchnią, jak mina morska.
I know it's lurking here somewhere to get me.
Wiem, że się tu gdzieś na mnie czai.
I've been lurking since you walked through those gates.
Czaję się odkąd przeszłaś przez bramę.
Let us see where this rat has been lurking.
Spójrzmy, gdzie czaił się ten szczur.
Lurking in the water with our eyes poking out.
Zanurzanie się w wodzie, z oczami na powierzchni!
We got a report of a-- a monster lurking around the neighborhood.
Mamy raport, że to potwór czai się w pobliżu.
There's romance lurking in her heart but she wants you to make a start
W jej sercu czai się uczucie ale chce abys to ty rozpoczął
It's lurking outside, like a big hairy rapist at a coach station.
Czai się jak wielki, włochaty gwałciciel na przystanku.
Good night killers of Arkansas, lurking outside our window.
Dobranoc mordercy z Arkansas, czający się za oknem.
He's down there somewhere, lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce.
Gdzieś tam czyha w cieniu, w każdej chwili gotów do ataku.
You don't think there may be one tiny little ghost lurking out there?
Nie myślisz że może jeden malutki duszek gdzieś tam się czai?
Why are you lurking outside my door, anyway?
Dlaczego czaisz się przy moich drzwiach?
And I'm sure that sad maid is around here somewhere lurking around.
I jestem przekonany, że tamta smutna kelnerka gdzieś się tutaj czai.
Take that sick individual lurking around, for instance.
Weź na przykład to chore indywiduum czające się wokoło.
I could be lurking behind a bush.
Mogłabym się ukryć za krzakiem.
What are you doing lurking in the shadows, and why are you crying?
Co robisz czając się w ciemnościach, i dlaczego płaczesz?
Is that guy lurking around for you?
Czy to ten facet czai się tutaj na ciebie?
I know who is lurking behind this.
Wiem, kto za tym wszystkim stoi.
It was the Council that put right a few serious problems that were lurking in the Commission's proposal.
To Rada rozwiązała kilka poważnych problemów, które czaiły się we wniosku Komisji.
Elena could be lurking somewhere in the woods.
Elena może łazić gdzieś po lesie.
Some kind of danger lurking close by.
Jakieś niebezpieczeństwo czaiło się w pobliżu.
Something's lurking that you don't see every day
Coś się czai czego nie widzisz każdego dnia
Today, those strangers are not lurking outside the school with a bag of sweets, they enter Internet chat rooms and seek their victims there.
Dziś ten obcy nie krąży pod szkołą z torebką cukierków, dziś ten obcy wchodzi na internetowy czat i tam szuka swojej ofiary.
In addition, chemical weapons from the Second World War lurking at the bottom of the sea also represent a danger.
Ponadto broń chemiczna z drugiej wojny światowej ukryta w głębi morza także stanowi zagrożenie.
You were lurking outside my window.
Czaiłaś się za moim oknem.
How long have you been lurking?
Jak długo się tu czaisz?
Someone was lurking outside that window.
Ktoś się czaił za oknem.
Not with that thing lurking around.
Nie z tym czymś czającym się wokół.
May it unleash the inner hedonist lurking in the good people of Eastwick.
To może uwolnic ukryty hedonizm czający się w dobrych ludziach Eastwick.
So we finally consummated this ancient lurking passion.
W końcu skonsumowaliśmy tę czyhającą namiętność.
Frankenstein is lurking at the door!
Frankenstein już puka do naszych drzwi!
I see you guys lurking around lechero.
Widziałem, jak czaicie się koło Lechero.
What are you lurking about for... you grinning, twisted devil?
Co się tak czaisz... ty uśmiechnięty, wijący diable?
Other predatory fish are lurking nearby.
Inne drapieżne ryby czają się w pobliżu.
Lurking in the shadows, the spider watches the insect entangle itself in the web.
Czyhająca w ciemnościach pajęczyca obserwuje owada zaplątującego się w sieć.
Liza, always lurking in the shadows.
Liza, zawsze skradająca się jak cień.
You don'thave Angel lurking in your bedroom.
Anioł niezakrada się do twojej sypialni.
I know you're lurking somewhere.
Wiem, że gdzieś się czaisz.
In actual fact, a lack of euro liquidity is also lurking behind Member States' payment problems and devaluing currencies.
W istocie rzeczy za problemami płatniczymi państw członkowskich oraz dewaluacją walut stoi problem braku płynności w euro.