Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Słownik techniczny angielsko-polski

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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Perhaps this is why the Oklahoma bomb is not as centre stage in America's collective memory as it should be. When Al Gore was interviewed about the extreme right by Larry King recently, there was no mention of Oklahoma. Coverage of last month's arrests of militants belonging to an offshoot of the same Michigan militia that McVeigh belonged to omitted to mention the bomb, days away from its 15th anniversary. There is extreme awkwardness around this enemy within, but also current concern about reverberations of McVeigh's cause: war against the American government.
The reasons for this are not hard to fathom. American writers are the beneficiaries of the deep pockets of the magazines that initially sponsored them. In this respect the situation has not changed greatly since Vietnam when the photographer Larry Burrows was working for Life. What his son Russell called "the real luxury" of that gig â?? that the magazine was "prepared to let somebody go and work for however long it took" â?? still holds true for print journalists lucky enough to be working for Rolling Stone (Evan Wright), Vanity Fair (Junger) or the New Yorker (Packer).
10.14am: My colleague Larry Elliott has just sent a snap verdict on the figures.
9.59am: My colleague Larry Elliott has written a piece for the Guardian warning about the danger posed by spending cuts. In the paper the headline reads: "The deficit hawks need their talons clipped." But, at Comment is Free, the headline is a bit more racy.
The OBR is publishing its forecasts at 10am. The 80-page report should go up then on the OBR's website. Sir Alan Budd, the OBR chairman, is also holding an off-camera briefing for economics correspondents. My colleague Larry Elliott, who has written a story for the paper previewing today's announcement, will be there.
Larry Elliott says it was "brutal stuff".
As for censorship â?? excuse me? When did porn (watching strangers shagging) become a basic human right? Porn consumers, who like to think of themselves as latterday Larry Flynt-esque freedom fighters, tend to take themselves, and what happens in their pants, drearily seriously. They might be surprised to learn that most of us couldn't give a liquorice thong what they get up to online, so long as it's all consenting adults. In the same way, most of us wouldn't care about someone buying dirty films in hotel rooms â?? so long as we don't have to watch with them. This is what's happening right now on the internet, the whole of society being forced to deal with porn because one group wants to.
Larry Crowder, a marine biologist at Duke University, said there were already signs that fish were being driven from their habitat.
"Many on the liberal left adopt a view that says pornographers are not businessmen but are simply there to unleash our sexuality from state-imposed constraints," she says. This view was reflected in the film The People vs Larry Flynt, where the billionaire pornographer of the film's title â?? the head of the Hustler empire â?? was portrayed as a man simply fighting for freedom of speech. Dines disputes these ideas. "Trust me," she says, "I have interviewed hundreds of pornographers and the only thing that gets them excited is profit."
The music at Cowboy Poetry would make Elko worth the trip even if the people one met there were objectionable and uninteresting. As it happens, they are all the precise opposite of those things, which is just as well, as Elko is a small town, and it quickly becomes impossible to walk the few blocks between Biltoki, Stockmen's, the Folklife Center, the spectacular cowboy-wear emporium of JM Capriola (where you can eavesdrop on the involved process that is buying a hat) and the rejuvenating oasis of Cowboy Joe's coffee shop, without someone hailing you by name. You can reasonably expect to encounter such characters as: Larry Bitterman, a former New York lawyer who reinvented himself as a designer of western-style outfits, which he's selling from his Old Frontier Clothing Company's travelling stall at the Red Lion Casino; a mysterious, nameless, splendidly bearded bushwacker, the image of Roy Rogers' sidekick Gabby Hayes, who politely turns down repeated offers of Hurtin' Albertans guitarist Grant Siemans to play poker for his magnificent hat; Cindy White, a performing poet, and her husband, landscaper Scott Imus, who tells me: "This way of life is about people who still ride alone on days as cold as these, with large animals that can kill them. That promotes a style of thinking â?? self-reliance, courtesy and knowing that when you shake a guy's hand he means it. And it isn't bullshit."

I told you to stay away from my feet, Larry!
Larry, mówiłam ci, żebyś się nie zbliżał do moich stóp.

Larry, I've got something really important to talk to you about.
Muszę z tobą porozmawiać o czymś bardzo ważnym.

Larry is going to come and take you away from me.
Za 10 sekund... przyjdzie Larry i cię stąd zabierze.

But Larry is trying to talk me out of it.
Larry próbuje mi to wybić z głowy.

God, Larry what if we brought down something else this time?
O Boże, Larry, a co, jeśli ściągnęliśmy coś i tym razem?

Larry, what has that got to do with our moving to the country?
Larry, co to ma wspólnego z przeprowadzką na wieś?

But you and Larry have given me the strength to be true to myself.
Ale ty i Larry daliście mi siłę, aby się ujawnić.

I can't believe you went ahead and did this, Larry.
Nie mogę uwierzyć że wyszedłeś tak daleko do przodu, Larry.

Larry, I don't want to get into this with you here.
Lar... Nie chcę się tu wdawać z tobą w dyskusje. Wiesz co, Steve?

I would like to be alone a while, okay, Larry?
Chciałabym pobyć trochę sama, dobrze, Larry?

You know, Larry, becoming a man has nothing to do with down there.
Wiesz, Larry, bycie mężczyzną nie ma nic wspólnego z tym tutaj na dole.

I got Larry coming over to check his teeth, to make sure.
Larry przyjdzie tu, żeby sprawdzić jego zęby, dla pewności.

Larry, just like he said, and on one there can know about this operation.
I nikt nie może dowiedzieć się o tej operacji.

Larry, thank you so much for sharing that with everybody.
Dzięki Larry, że się z nami podzieliłeś tą historyjką.

Larry, you're better than any agent I've ever worked with.
Larry, jesteś lepszy niż jakiś agent Kiedykolwiek pracowałem z.

Larry works in accounting, down the hall from me, right?
Larry pracuje w księgowości, parę pokoi ode mnie.

I'm almost eight months pregnant, and my Larry has to travel on business.
Jestem prawie w ósmym miesiącu, a Larry musi wyjechać w interesach.

But before he could leave, Larry arranged one last parting gift.
Ale zanim odszedł, Larry dał mu ostatni podarunek.

Larry is in Toronto, but they're going to try and reach him.
Larry jest w Toronto. Postarają się z nim skontaktować.

And though we give them no credence at all, Larry.
Jednakże nie dajemy im wiary, Larry.

Larry, sorry to bother you, but your daughter had a bad dream again.
Przepraszam, że przeszkadzam, ale twoja córka miała znowu zły sen.

Susie is my son Larry's daughter by his first marriage.
Ten chłopak w garniturze to Larry, syn mojej córki z pierwszego małżeństwa...

And that's all that counts to me is what Larry thinks.
Larry mi wybaczył, a dla mnie liczy się tylko to, co myśli Larry.

You know, Larry, the way we handle ourselves in this situation, so important.
Wiesz, Larry... Sposób, w jaki się uporamy z tą sytuacją... Bardzo ważne.

Now at least I know how Larry found us so quickly.
Przynajmniej teraz wiem jak Larry znalazł nas tak szybko.

What Larry Paul said today went exactly to the issue.
To, co powiedział dzisiaj Larry Paul dotknęło sedna sprawy.

Larry's thought about why he's under indictment and others ain't.
Larry myśli dlaczego on ma akt oskarżenia a inni nie.

I don't even know what we're engaged in anymore, Larry.
Nie wiem, w co się pakujemy.

Larry, don't go near that girl until she calls you and apologizes.
Larry, nie zbliżaj się do niej, aż zadzwoni i przeprosi.

Larry, do you mind if I talk to you about our conference?
Larry, mogłabym z tobą porozmawiać o naszej konferencji ugodowej?

Larry, Marty, a young lady here ready to give birth.
Marty! Ta pani będzie rodzić. Dajcie im eskortę.

I didn't want Larry to lose his best friend.
Nie chce żeby Larry stracił najlepszego przyjaciela.

Larry, is there anything I could do for you?
Larry, czy mogę cokolwiek dla ciebie zrobić ?

Maybe it's the ghost of the guy that Larry put in the freezer.
Może to duch tego gościa, którego Larry włożył do zamrażarki?

Larry tried to eat the fire, I remember that.
Larry próbował zjeść ogień, pamiętam to.

Larry, I'm looking at your campaign, page 18, paragraph 3.
Larry, patrzę do pańskiej książki, str.1 8, 3 akapit.

It was nice of Larry not to rat us out, but this is ridiculous.
Miło ze strony, Larry'ego, że nas nie wydał, ale to niedorzeczne.

Father has given Larry this train for one of his birthdays.
Ojciec dał tą kolejkę laremu na jedne z jego urodzin.

This Larry and me, we're working up a dance recital.
Ten Larry i ja pracowaliśmy nad przedstawieniem tanecznym.

The wolf must have attacked her and Larry came to the rescue.
WiIk musiał ją zaatakować i Larry przyszedł z pomocą.

But if Larry did not ask this message, I'd be in another group.
Ale, jeśliby Larry nie powiesilł wiadomości, byłbym w jakimś innym zespole.

Larry, I'm every bit as concerned about her as you are.
Larry, martwię się o nią tak samo jak ty.

She'd just had this big fight with Larry - the guy she lives with.
Właśnie pokłóciła się z Larrym - to chłopak, z którym żyje.

But before they left, Larry gave one last gift.
Ale zanim odszedł, Larry dał mu ostatni podarunek.

Larry, how am I supposed to tell if her cervix is soft?
Larry, jak niby mam sprawdzić, czy szyjka jej macicy jest miękka?

Want to see what Larry and Carol are up to?
Zobaczymy, co robi Larry z Carol?

Now, Larry, is there some reason that I should know this?
Larr, czy jest jakiś powód że mi to mówisz?

I don't think we want to be here, Larry.
Myślę, że nie chcemy tutaj być, Larry.

Bill showed me where Larry kept the We put a little eggs last night.
Bill pokazał mi, gdzie Larry trzyma i wczoraj wieczorem zaprawiliśmy jajecznicę w proszku.

Because Larry Levy could have my office in three days.
Bo Larry Levy mógłby zająć moje stanowisko w ciągu trzech dni.