(Adjective) juliański;
im. Julian
adj. juliański
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
American officials are searching for Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks in an attempt to pressure him not to publish thousands of confidential and potentially hugely embarrassing diplomatic cables that offer unfiltered assessments of Middle East governments and leaders.
The Daily Beast, a US news reporting and opinion website, reported that Pentagon investigators are trying to track down Julian Assange â?? an Australian citizen who moves frequently between countries â?? after the arrest of a US soldier last week who is alleged to have given the whistleblower website a classified video of American troops killing civilians in Baghdad.
Major-General Julian Thompson, a Royal Marines commanding officer in south Armagh during the Troubles, said that if Saville found UK troops guilty then individuals such as Sinn F?©in's McGuinness should also be held to account.
Stoute's sole racing contact in Britain was a retired jockey who had ridden for plantation owners in the Caribbean. "My parents knew him and when I came to England he showed me this advertisement [for a BBC racing commentator's job]. I made it to the final six, incredibly, and we were invited to do some commentary at Newbury. We were all issued with tickets at Paddington and one of the six was [future BBC racing commentator] Julian Wilson. Five of us travelled together in second class but Julian decided he had better sit with the selectors and so he coughed up a bit more for a first-class ticket."
The portly trainer rolls in his seat with amusement as he remembers a day that had such ramifications for the future of British racing. If he had been successful he might have never gone into training and his lilting voice, which still carries echoes of Barbados, could have become a BBC institution. "It was a foggy October day and visibility wasn't good. I started as the rank outsider because I did race six of six. But I had been commentating for three years and none of the others had done any commentary before. Julian got the job in the end. But they asked me to keep in touch and I did three more recordings. They saw me as a possible back-up if Peter Bromley broke his leg skiing."
WikiLeaks announced the move in an email to supporters. It said it fears it is under attack after the US authorities said they were searching for the site's founder, Julian Assange, following the arrest of a US soldier accused of leaking the Afghanistan video and another of a US attack in Baghdad in which civilians were killed.
The crowd in the club is made up mostly of expat western men and their Chinese girlfriends. In the cigar lounge, Emily introduces me to a French food and beverage manager, Julian Desmettre, who describes how the nouveau riche from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore have made the city their playground: "Shanghai is like Paris during la belle ?©poque. This is the city of wealth and style, where people must show their money, where they are judged by how they dress, where they look down on those with less than themselves."
Julian arrived in Shanghai as a student eight years ago with 5,000 yuan in his pocket. Now, he has on his wrist an Omega watch worth six times that amount. "My life here is better than in France. I have a big apartment, a cleaner, a compound with a pool and a gym. It is so comfortable, it is almost too much."
The crowd in the club is made up mostly of expat western men and their Chinese girlfriends. In the cigar lounge, Emily introduces me to a French food and beverage manager, Julian Desmettre, who describes how the nouveau riche from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore have made the city their playground: "Shanghai is like Paris during la belle ?©poque. This is the city of wealth and style, where people must show their money, where they are judged by how they dress, where they look down on those with less than themselves."
Julian arrived in Shanghai as a student eight years ago with 5,000 yuan in his pocket. Now, he has on his wrist an Omega watch worth six times that amount. "My life here is better than in France. I have a big apartment, a cleaner, a compound with a pool and a gym. It is so comfortable, it is almost too much."
Julian is a fine man and much too good for his wife.
Julian jest dobrym mężczyzną. Aż za dobry dla swojej żony.
Cause julian was a big part of making it great.
Julian miał wiele zasługi w tym, że jest taki świetny.
Now, what if Julian's future is one of those things?
A teraz, co jeśli przyszłość Juliana jest jedną z tych rzeczy?
Julian said he'll be up on his feet by tomorrow morning.
Julian mówi, że do jutra rana stanie na nogi.
Julian, my respect for you is going down every minute.
Julian, mój szacunek do ciebie maleje coraz bardziej.
I think you'd be surprised at what you can do, Julian.
Myślę, że będziesz zaskoczony tym, co możesz zrobić, Julian.
Look, Julian needs our protection, he has no one else!
Słuchaj, Julian potrzebuje naszej ochrony, nie ma nikogo oprócz nas!
Julian doesn't want you in his life, and neither do I.
Julian nie chce cię w swoim życiu, i ja też nie.
You don't know what it's been like with Julian sick all the time.
Nie wiesz, jak to jest, kiedy Julian jest cały czas chory.
Julian was not a long time in contact with dogs.
Julian już długo nie miał kontaktu z psami.
How can hiding in one of Julian's programs be a good sign?
Czy ukrywanie się w jednym z infantylnych programów Juliana to dobry znak?
The only difference between me and you, Julian, is a couple of drinks.
Jedyna rónica między mną i Tobą, Julian To te kilka drinków.
I didn't get much sleep and Julian's got me back on those herbs again.
Nie za dużo sypiam a Julian znowu każe mi brać te zioła.
Julian Cook just added another name to his witness list.
Julian Cook właśnie dodał kolejne nazwisko do swojej listy świadków.
When did family become such an inconvenience for you, Julian?
Kiedy to rodzina stała się dla ciebie ciężarem, Julian?
And I seriously doubt he lets you call him julian.
I wątpię, czy pozwolił ci się nazywać Julian.
Checked out that address for Julian, the place was empty.
Sprawdziłem ten adres Juliana, całe miejsce było puste.
Julian said that headaches might be a side effect of the accident.
Julian mówił, że bóle głowy mogą być efektem ubocznym wypadku.
Whoever this Julian waters is, you don't want to talk to him.
Kimkolwiek jest, nie chcesz z nim rozmawiać.
She and Julian did not go to college together.
Ona i Julian nie chodzili razem do liceum.
That person contacts someone else, and so on, till word gets to Julian.
Ta osoba spotyka się z następną i tak dalej, aż wiadomość dociera do Julian.
Julian needs a kind, sweet woman, one who truly loves him.
Julianowi potrzebna jest żona taka, jak ty. Dobra, miła, zakochana.
Julian needs to be added to the watch list.
Julian musi być dodany do listy obserwowanych.
Julian is no good at that sort of thing.
Julian nie jest za dobry w tych sprawach.
I told you San Julian is too far away, dad.
Mówiłem ci że, San Julian jest za daleko, tato.
The girl in the red dress gets off with Julian's entourage at 12:57.
Dziewczyna w czerwonej sukience wysiadła z windy, z Julianem o 0:57.
Julian never had a problem finding a good thing.
Julian nigdy nie miał problemu ze znajdywaniem dobrych rzeczy.
Julian, I know what you're trying to do here.
Julian, wiem co próbujesz teraz zrobić.
I haven't had any real contact with Julian since he left America.
Nie miałam z nim prawdziwego kontaktu, odkąd opuścił Stany.
Listen, I need you to take Julian over to your mother's.
Posłuchaj, potrzebuję cię, by wziąć Juliana ponad do twojej matki.
Ricky and Julian are getting out this afternoon, hopefully, if everything goes right.
Ricky i Julian wychodzą popołudniu, mam nadzieję... ...jeśli wszystko pójdzie dobrze.
Don Julian's house is now the house of the people.
Dom Pana Juliana jest teraz domem ludu.
Hello, could you give me the number of San Julian?
Hallo, może mi pani dać numer do San Julian?
Let's get something great to wear for Julian's party.
Kupmy sobie coś na imprezę u Juliana.
Look, what happened yesterday makes me think that julian doesn't know what he's doinG.
Posłuchaj, co to się stało wczoraj, przekonało mnie, że Julian nie wie co robi.
Julian was only defending himself, he did nothing wrong.
Julian tylko siebie bronił, nic złego nie zrobił.
Julian, I know what you think, but it's not what it seems.
Julian, wiem co myślisz, ale to nie tak jakby się mogło wydawać.
And over here is my great grandpa's brother, Julian.
A tutaj jest brat mojego pra-dziadka, Julian.
Your friend Julian has convinced us that he will be a success...
Twój przyjaciel Julian przekonał nas że spróbuje odnieść sukces...
So let's say that Bob abused Julian and his own son.
Więc przyjmijmy, że Bob napastował Juliana i własnego syna.
Just drive normal, Julian. Don't do anything to draw attention to us.
Jedź zwyczajnie, Julian, nie ściągaj na nas uwagi.
But until he stops working with Julian, he can forget about being inside.
Ale dopóki nie przestanie pracować z Julianem, może zapomnieć o wejściu do środka.
And what was this camp that Julian was referring to?
A o co chodziło z tym obozem, o którym wspominał Julian?
But, Julian, this man may become your children's stepfather.
Ale, Julian, ten człowiek może się stać ojczymem twoich dzieci.
I want to talk about Julian and me.
Chce cos powiedzieć o Julianie i mnie.
Sometimes, you gotta put other people's interests ahead of you own, Julian.
Czasem musisz stawiać sprawy innych ludzi przed swoimi własnymi, Julian.
Eva said if anyone asked, Julian was a gentleman.
Eva powiedziała, że jakby ktoś pytał, to Julian był dżentelmenem.
Julian has been with us for 22 years.
Julian był z nami przez 22 lat.
I didn't come home to talk to Julian.
Nie przyjechałem do domu, żeby rozmawiać z Julianem.
San Julian is over 170 miles from here.
San Julian jest ponad 300 kilometrów stąd.