Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Joanna

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Although she had five half-brothers and sisters, her childhood was lonely at times, just her and her mother in the Sussex countryside, when they were not away touring. Her parents were "incredibly confident", she says; she wasn't. Yet at the same time there was a belief. At nine, she was acting in her father's TV adaptation of The Camomile Lawn, and realised immediately that this was what she wanted to do with her life. Yet she gave up acting the second the cameras stopped rolling â?? she had no interest in being a child actor. "My mother exposed me to a lot of powerful women in old Hollywood films like Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck. And I wanted to be Davis in All About Eve, no question. I just wanted to grow up and get on with it."
A long queue of biographical films is set to be screened at American cinemas this summer. The documentaries, almost a dozen, include one on Joan Rivers, one on Billy Joel and another on Carrie Fisher, and have been prompted by the surprise success of recent screen studies of Anna Wintour, Vidal Sassoon and Mike Tyson.
Ricki Stern, who made Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work, has worked closely with the star, although not always to the director's advantage. Stern is the daughter of a close friend of Rivers and so was allowed to follow the veteran comedian for a year with a small crew. After seeing an early cut, Rivers sent a three-page email of suggestions for improvements. Stern says she ignored most of the objections, although she did agree to cut a scene showing Rivers swearing at a photograph of her late husband Edgar Rosenberg.
Fisher, the comedian and former starlet who made her name in Star Wars, has agreed to turn her biographical show Wishful Drinking into a feature-length documentary. The film, which sets out to reveal "her darkest hours and the not-so-glittering side of growing up with Hollywood royalty", will include large sections of a live performance recorded two days ago in New Jersey, along with archive footage and interviews. But if you are looking for flaws on the face of glamour, the Joan Rivers documentary is the place to go. One of its most startling images is her cosmetically-ravaged features in full close-up.
Joan Bakewell, the broadcaster and writer, said she hoped Men's Hour wouldn't ape "lad's mags" such as Nuts. "I hope they don't go down the blokeish route," she said, adding that she feared it would be faced with allegations of sexism Woman's Hour no longer contends with.
Joan Mitchell
Here is Joan Didion on how she thought of John Wayne "riding through my childhood, and perhaps through yours . . . [he] determined for ever the shape of certain of our dreams". And here are two researchers at the University of Chicago, Donald Horton and Richard Wohl, writing in 1956 on how the new medium of television had created a new kind of star "considered by his audience as a friend, counsellor, comforter and model".
I recommend The Magicians by Lev Grossman (Arrow) for the beach, followed by Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking (Harper Perennial).
He is ending late, and â?? if you accredit the official chronology, which gives his birthdate as 1941 â?? he began very early. He was married at the age of 16, had his first son immediately, then promptly got divorced; still only 17, he sang Freddie in My Fair Lady in Spanish in Mexico, and by the age of 20 was appearing with Joan Sutherland in Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor in Dallas. Some reference books make it all seem less breathlessly precocious by testifying that he was born in 1934, though when I mentioned this hypothesis in a review a while ago, I received a politely pained letter from his New York publicist, who enclosed smudged photocopies of his client's birth certificate and, for good measure, a document attesting to his baptism. I'd advise Domingo to add a few years rather than deducting them: it makes his defiant vigour all the more precious.
Given that we're about to get The Runaways, a look at the early career of rocker Joan Jett, and Mr Nice, the life of convicted drug-runner Howard Marks, can it be true that, as US magazine Newsweek asserted earlier this year, the biopic is past its expiry date? A story headlined "Are biopics history?" complained that "in the last five years, the biopic has begun to feel as dusty and outdated as the set of Encylopaedia Britannicas in your parents' attic". But, in a clear case of Hollywood blinkers, the article chose to look only at the mainstream: moribund works such as Amelia, a life of aviator Amelia Earhart; Invictus, about the 1995 rugby world cup; The Young Victoria, about the queen; and Creation, about Darwin. If this is your sample, then yes, the biopic does look cadaverous.

Joan, has your mother even talked to you about sex?
Joanno, czy matka rozmawia z tobą o seksie?

Joan doesn't know about this, and she's not going to.
Joan nic nie wie i się nie dowie.

Joan, can I steal my sister away for a moment?
Joan, mogę ci zabrać moją siostrę na chwilę?

How did my relationship with Joan become a guessing game?
Jak mój związek z Joan zamienił się w zgadywankę?

The beauty part, Joan, is that your friends do it for you.
Piękne jest to, Joan, że przyjaciele zrobią to za ciebie.

You're not up to this, Joan, and you know it.
Nie nadajesz się do tego, Joan, i sama to wiesz.

Look, Joan, this is very sweet, but you don't have to thank me.
To naprawdę miłe, ale nie musisz mi dziękować.

Joan, the party's a hit and the house is immaculate.
Joan, przyjęcie jest wystrzałowe, a dom jest nieskazitelny.

Joan of Arc, the trial that ended in her death.
Joanny d'Arc procesu który skończył się w jej śmiercią.

Joan, by any chance is my daughter with you?
Joan. Czy przypadkiem moja córka nie jest u ciebie?

And now Joan's work will receive the serious attention that it deserves.
A teraz praca Joan otrzyma należną jej uwagę.

Joan asked me if I could get her an understudy in your next play.
Gillian pytała mnie czy mogłaby się jakoś wkręcić do twojej nowej sztuki.

Trust me, Joan is not thinking about payback right now.
Zaufaj mi. Joan ma teraz inne sprawy na głowie.

Joan, your children are running around town like complete maniacs.
Joan, twoje dzieci ganiają po cały mieście jak oszalałe.

Honestly, Joan, every good deed is not part of a plan.
Szczerze, Joan, każdy dobry uczynek nie jest częścią planu.

Nothing would give me more pleasure, Joan, but I do have to run.
Nic nie sprawiłoby mi większej przyjemności, Joan, ale muszę lecieć.

Bernard, Joan says you have a check for me.
Bernard, Joan mówi, że masz dla mnie czek.

Did I mention Joan gave me your cell number, too?
Joan dała mi też twój numer komórki.

Joan, I was trying to catch up with you and Emily.
Joan, próbowałem złapać ciebie z Emily.

I haven't been very successful joan, there was no other option
Niezbyt mi się to udało. Joan, nie było innego wyjścia.

He's been alone with Joan on plenty of occasions without causing her harm.
Wiele razy zostawał sam na sam z Joan i nie zrobił jej krzywdy.

It's like watching Joan of Arc on her way to the fire.
Spójrz na nią. Joanna d'Arc w drodze na stos.

So, Joan Wilder, you must come and write my story.
A więc, Joan Wilder, musisz opisać moją historię.

And how are you enjoying your affair with Joan?
Jak tam twój romans z Joan?

Joan Jett says she is a goddess of the guitar.
Poznaj Joan Jett, która uważa się za boginię gitary.

You'd get off with Joan Collins quick enough, and she's 50!
Spróbowałbyś z Joan Collins szybko miałbyś dość, a ona ma 50 lat!

Joan had no right to tell you that.
Joan nie miała prawa ci o tym mówić.

But Joan wasn't going to let anything mess up his maths.'
lecz Joan nie pozwolił by cokolwiek przeszkadzało mu w jego obliczeniach.

Look at poor old Joan - stuck in the mud on her first try-out.
Popatry na staruszkę Joan - utknęła w błocie przy swojej pierwszej próbie.

With his men watching your house? joan, use your head
Kiedy jego ludzie obserwują twój dom? Joan, rusz głową.

But who says Joan Lee is really a woman?
Kto mówi, że Joan jest kobietą?

Between that and the weird fingerprint, it sounds like Joan got framed.
Mając na uwadze to i dziwne odciski, zdaje się, jakby Joan wrobiono.

I talked to Joan, and we thought it would-- she's a kid.
Rozmawiałem z Joan, pomyśleliśmy-- To dziecko.

Your auntie Joan can't eat chocolate because of her migraines.
Twój ciocia Joanna nie może jeść czekolady z powodu migreny.

Joan, we all want what's best for you.
Joanno, my wszyscy chcemy tego co jest najlepsze dla ciebie.

You were having an affair, Joan, and that's how you tried to hide it.
Miałaś romans, Joan, i w ten sposób próbowałaś to ukryć.

You got to look where you're going, Joan.
Patrz gdzie idziesz, Joan.

Joan's known for having a lot of buddies.
Joan's jest znana, z dużej ilości kumpli.

Joan Wilder does not want to see you.
Joan Wilder nie chce cię widzieć.

I want to tell you, Joan, my Dad talked about you all the time.
Muszę ci powiedzieć, Joan, że tata mówił o tobie cały czas.

But why should Joan of Arc have her right ear pierced?
Ale dlaczego Joanna D'arc miałaby przebijać sobie prawe ucho?

Joan Wilder, write us out of this one.
Dobra, Joan Wilder. Wypisz nas z tego.

There's a girl called Joan of Arc disguises herself and goes to war.
Jest taka dziewczyna Joanna d'Arc przebrała się i poszła na wojnę.

Joan, I've been meaning to talk to you about something--
Joan, zamierzałam z tobą o czymś porozmawiać--

What about the blood from Joan Mark s' shoe?
A co z krwią z buta Joan Marks?

Joan, whose memory will always be cherished... by the people of France.
Joanna, o której pamięć zawsze będzie pielęgnowana... przez Francuzów.

There was blood on Joan Mark s' right shoe.
Na prawym bucie Joan Marks była krew.

Think about this pit as your last adventure, Joan Wilder.
Ta dziura będzie twoją ostatnią przygodą, Joan Wilder.

I'm on the side of the law, Joan.
Jestem po stronie prawa.