[ [(Hieronymus)] ] im. Hieronim
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The veteran Oxford science philosopher Jerome Ravetz says the role of the blogosphere in revealing the important issues buried in the emails means it will assume an increasing role in scientific discourse. "The radical implications of the blogosphere need to be better understood." Curry too applauds the rise of the "citizen scientist" triggered by climategate, and urges scientists to embrace them.Indeed scoring goals is a problem for Birmingham full stop. Cameron Jerome got into double figures but no one else was close to him. Zigic should offer a more potent threat, although McLeish would ideally like to bring in another forward to play with him â?? a younger version of Kevin Phillips, who is still at the club, would be perfect. Some more penetration on the flanks would also not go amiss. James McFadden has been disappointing on the left, Sebastian Larsson has gone backwards and Keith Fahey remains a work in progress, making it no surprise that Wigan's Charles N'Zogbia has been targeted.At least Albion look like being a little more streetwise under Di Matteo than they were during their last season in the Premier League, when Tony Mowbray's expansive but naive tactics invited opponents to cut through them. Di Matteo might well set Albion up in a 4-2-3-1 formation in which the highly promising Dorrans will look to break from an advanced midfield role along with two from Jerome Thomas, Giles Barnes, James Morrison and Brunt, all of whom have played in the Premier League.On the fifth floor of a former mill in Ancoats, deep in what was once the industrial heart of Manchester, FC's 31-year-old club secretary Lindsey Robertson is dealing with the Monday morning aftermath of the Friday night before. Specifically, she is attempting to locate the owners of four lost pairs of keys. "Rochdale contacted us today," she explains. "They found four sets on the stand where the FC fans were." Given the bouncing atmosphere at Rochdale â?? former Celtic player Craig Burley told ESPN it was the best he'd experienced in years â?? it comes as no surprise that some people lost the contents of their pockets. After the match, when the FC forward, Jerome Wright, was asked by Norwegian television reporters what he thought of the club's fans, he turned the cameras on to a mass of jubilant teenagers and gave them the microphone, saying: "Give them a song." The implication was: "This lot can speak for themselves."
Why do you think Jerome doesn't want us to go to the police?
Czemu Jerome nie chce, żebyśmy poszli na policję?
If you're going to be Jerome, you better start getting used to it.
Skoro masz być Jeromem, zacznij się do tego przyzwyczajać.
He's wanted in connection with a death at the Jerome general store.
Jest poszukiwany w związku z morderstwem w lokalu w Jerome.
I know Jerome will want to talk to you.
Wiem, że Jerome nie chce z tobą rozmawiać.
Jerome, you get a chance to call the guy from Artforum?
Jerome, dostaniesz zgodę na telefon do gościa z Artforum?
Why don't they talk to the sage of Jerome?
Czemu nie porozmawiają z tym mędrcem z Jerome?
Jerome's trying to do something that is essentially impossible.
Jerome stara się zrobiś coś co jest zasadniczo niemożliwe.
Jerome has to meet someone at another party, and we're late, so...
Jerome ma się spotkać z kimś na innym przyjęciu, i jesteśmy spóźnieni, więc...
Pees more than my cousin Jerome, who only got one kidney.
Sika więcej niż mój kuzyn Jerome, który ma jedną nerkę.
Jerome, be a good boy and find Air France.
Jerome, bądź dobrym chłopcem i znajdź naszą odprawę.
Jerome was always so passionate about his art.
Jerome był zawsze taki pochłoniety tą swoją sztuką.
Capt. Jerome said during the fighting she displayed commendable courage.
Capt. Hieronim powiedział podczas walki ona pokazała godną pochwały odwagę.
Birkoff, how do they find someone like Jerome?
Birkoff, jak oni znaleźli kogoś takiego jak Jerome?
God, you love Jerome more than me.
Boże, kochasz Jerome'a bardziej niż mnie.
Was Wheeler there when you made love to Jerome?
Czy Wheeler był przy tym, gdy kochałaś się z Jeromem?
I just had an hour with Jerome.
Miałam godzinę masażu z Jerome.
Hey, really? Jerome, you know what your name means in Apache? No.
Jerome, wiesz co oznacza twoje imię w języku Apachów?
Look, I need you to watch Jerome, too.
Musisz też uważać na Jerome'a.
That Jerome, I want him decorated with something.
Że Hieronim, chcę go urządzony z czymś.
But continue your course with Jerome.
Ale kontynuuj swoją współpracę z Jerome.
Anyway, about 10 months ago I wound up in Jerome working for Darlene.
W każdym razie, jakieś 10 miesięcy temu zacząłem pracować dla Darlene w Jerome.
Unfortunately, we're not in the majority, Jerome.
Niestety, nie jesteśmy w większości, Jerome.
Jerome, are you exceptionally skilled as a cocksucker?
Jerome, jesteś może wyjątkowo utalentowany jako lachociąg?
Vice president in charge of finance, Jerome Dempsey.
Wice prezes do spraw finansów, Jerome Dempsey.
Jerome knows nothing about it.
Jerome nic o nim nie wie.
Greg, his friend, Jerome and his father.
Greg, jego przyjaciel, Jerome i jego ojciec.
Jerome Le Banner is famous for his punch.
Jerome Le Banner jest znany ze swoich ciosów.
Jerome was right about Simmons.
Jerome miał rację w sprawie Simmons'a.
And how deeply involved Jerome and Jared are.
I jak bardzo zamieszani są Jerome i Jarod.
I will assist Jerome. Michael and Walter will coordinate.
Jerome nam pomoże, Michael i Walter określą współrzędne.
Two generals had crossed it: our Prince Joseph and King Jerome.
nasz Książę Józef i król westfalski Hieronim.
Except that I am not Jerome Morrow.
Z tym, że ja nie jestem Jerome Morrow.
Hello, my dear Jerome?
Halo, mój drogi Jerome?
So tell me, Jerome... ...what are you not getting out of my class?
Powiedz mi, Jerome... ...dlaczego nie wypiszesz się z moich zajęć?
I thought: he's not Jerome.
Myślałem sobie: to nie Jerome.
And there goes Jasper and Jerome.
A tam jest Jasper i Jerome.
Jerome Morrow. It's a nice name.
Jerome Morrow. ładnie.
My name is Jerome L. Boyd.
Nazywam się Jerome L. Boyd.
They made Father Flynn pastor of Saint Jerome.
Ojciec Flynn został pastorem w Saint Jerome.
Jerome Webb at Fort Edward.
Jerome Webb z fortu Edward.
He'il get Jerome, and Dunkelman, and then he'il come for us.
Dorwie Jerome, Dunkelmana, a potem przyjdzie po nas.
Well, I'm not Jerome's dad.
Ja nie jestem tatą Jerome'ego.
So Jerome here... ...wants to be a great artist, Jimmy.
Więc Jerome ... ...chce zostać wielkim artystą, Jimmy.
You're Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1st Class.
Jesteś Jerome Morrow, Nawigator 1 Klasy.
Deputy Art Lewis, Jerome County Sheriff's Department.
Art Lewis, zastępca szeryfa w biurze hrabstwa Jerome.
The bishop. Appointed Father Flynn pastor of Saint Jerome Church and School.
Biskup wyznaczył Flynna pastorem kościoła i szkoły Saint Jerome.
Capt. Jerome, United States Marine Corps.
Capt. Hieronim, Marynarka Stanów Zjednoczonych Korpus.
Jasper, Jerome, why? Why?
Jasper, Jerome, dlaczego? dlaczego?
I'll send Jerome right up. Bruce... 1420, Mrs Kritch.
Zaraz wyślę do pani Jerome... 1420, Kritch.