(Adjective) ilustrowany;
illustrated talk - wykład ilustrowany środkami wizualnymi;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Fortuitously, the same paper's distinguished critic Ian Nairn arrived shortly afterwards and wrote a piece on the Southfield Square campaign which anticipated today's English Heritage book in its optimism and warmth. It caught the eye of the national Civic Trust, which was looking for a Northern conservation project to back. They chose us, the council changed tack and the square survives â?? handsomely illustrated in the new book. MW
Critics have been quick to point out inconsistencies: since Apple gadgets feature web browsers, banning rude apps doesn't stop anyone accessing pornography on the internet, and while thousands of apps were removed from the App store, Playboy and Sports Illustrated kept theirs (Apple executive Phil Schiller explained that rules apply differently in the case of "a well-known company with previously published material available broadly in a well-accepted format"). Staff at Dazed and Confused magazine nicknamed their iPad app "the Iranian version". But while in the technology world Jobs's anti-porn stand is ridiculed as control-freakery or Google-baiting, outside the media loop his views find vocal support.
Wilson, who has written almost 100 books, must, at this point, be beyond surprise at the lengths to which her fans will go to meet her, or, indeed, at how many of them there are: she has sold more than 30m books in the UK alone and, famously, once signed fans' copies for a solid seven and a half hours. But the unforced wonder with which she greets the phenomenon â?? not to mention the diligence with which she caters to it, staying for those seven and a half hours, for instance, and, until quite recently, maintaining a punishing schedule of school visits â?? is a large part of why the phenomenon exists at all. And although there are those who protest that her books are full of darkness â?? divorce (The Suitcase Kid), homelessness (Dustbin Baby), dead best friends (Vicky Angel), mental illness (The Illustrated Mum), children in care (The Story of Tracy Beaker, the book that launched her to stardom) â?? , anyone who's actually read them knows that an underlying belief in the resilience of children, an intact sense of wonder, an enjoyment of small mercies, somehow makes them reassuring after all.
In Seattle, maps of Africa and southern Asia, the foundation's main areas of activity outside America, are pinned up in the often empty, sparsely decorated offices and cubicles. There are also cuttings about the foundation's work from the Economist and the Wall Street Journal, not publications you might have previously associated with a big interest in global disease and poverty. And lying on the foundation's standard-issue, utilitarian desks, there are its confidently written and comprehensively illustrated reports: Ghana: An Overall Success Story is the title of one left in the unoccupied office I have been lent between interviews.
As noted earlier (8am), three news organisations have been involved in the investigation into the leak. But, save from an agreement with Wikileaks on the the time of publication, 10pm BST yesterday, the three news organisation worked separately on the reporting. That is illustrated in different takes on the same information. The New York Times, for example, highlights the alleged links between the Pakistani intelligence service (ISI) and the Taliban. Its lead story says:
Packard is also delighted that the apps make the reading experience more universal. "The original books contained pictures of the reader. In most cases, the reader illustrated was a fresh-faced, white-skinned boy (or in later books occasionally a girl), there was a disconnect for many readers with the character supposed to be himself or herself," he said. "With U-Ventures, the reader is never illustrated. Except for occasional establishing shots for example, showing a sailing ship you're on as if seen from a distance, illustrations are shown from the reader's point of view. What you see is what you're looking at in the story."
But what geneticists have not developed, insists Sang, is the featherless chicken, illustrated on the right. This animal is often held up as the ultimate GM horror, created so that farmers will be saved the effort of having to pluck feathers before poultry are sold to supermarkets. In fact, the partly featherless chicken is a species containing a natural mutation called naked neck which is becoming popular in hot countries, such as Israel, where the animals can be kept cool without a full feather covering .
Cairo-born Roden has published many great recipe books, and there are few who can touch her knowledge of the Mediterranean and Middle East. But it is The Book Of Jewish Food which will stand as her masterpiece. In truth it is less a cookbook than a cultural over view of the entire Jewish diaspora, with appropriate recipes attached. It is a mark of just how reliable a piece of scholarship it is that, on publication, it was greeted with almost universal acclaim; a rare achievement for any work wading into the notoriously rancorous Jewish community. Every page and, more important, every recipe bursts with the vigour of a people that spent 2,000 years on the move. The dishes of the Sephardic Jews of North Africa and Spain are as rich and varied as you would expect of a writer who made her name with the food of the Middle East. Here are instructions for Iraqi date-filled pies, Tunisian couscous cakes and quinces in wine. More compelling still is her codifying of the eastern European Ashkenazi tradition: her irrefutable instructions for perfect chopped liver, latkes, gefilte fish and the rest. Any edition of this book is a joy, but the beautifully illustrated American version, published by Knopf, is particularly special. Jay Rayner
The importance of online shopping was further illustrated this week when credit card provider MasterCard agreed to pay Â?333m for Britain's DataCash Group, which offers fraud prevention and electronic payment services.
Labour's leadership campaign has dragged on so long, and the candidates have been so polite to each other, that it has passed most of Britain by. With their apparently identikit backgrounds and bland politicians' patter, the contest has sometimes seemed an incestuous choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee. When even the promised fratricidal war between the Miliband brothers failed to take off, one newspaper cartoonist illustrated a caricature of the contestants with the caption: Who cares who wins?
I'm about to be on the cover of Sports illustrated.
Ja będę na okładce Sports Illustrated.
This is illustrated by recent experience in my own constituency.
Dowodzą tego ostatnie doświadczenia w moim okręgu wyborczym.
No, I'm talking about that line you fed her. sports illustrated?
Nie, mówię o tej bzdurze, którą jej wcisnąłeś. Magazyn sportowy?
I don't take it personaly. But you have illustrated my point.
Nie bierz tego do siebie, ale, miałaś wyjaśnić mój punkt widzenia.
It considers issues that, as this debate has illustrated, will become increasingly important in the future.
Dziękuję pani Ferreira za przedstawione sprawozdanie. Porusza ono kwestię, jak pokazuje ta debata, której waga będzie w przyszłości coraz większa.
But when you go, could you return this Sports illustrated for me?
Ale gdy tam pójdziesz, mogłabyś zwrócić ten magazyn za mnie?
The lethal violence against women illustrated by that last image occurs when the woman has finally decided to leave the relationship.
Zabójcza przemoc wobec kobiet zilustrowana tym ostatnim przykładem ma miejsce, gdy kobieta w końcu postanawia odejść z takiego związku.
They had one guy that was in the Kid's Sports illustrated.
Mieli jednego goście który był na okładkach Gazet Sportowych dla dzieci.
I do film and Cinema illustrated. here it is.
Proszę Film i Cinema Illustrazione. Proszę.
The recent financial crisis has illustrated the need to analyse issues related to pay policies of company directors.
Ostatni kryzys finansowy dowiódł konieczności przeanalizowania spraw związanych z polityką wynagradzania dyrektorów spółek.
We have not had much success to date and my fellow Member who spoke previously has illustrated that in greater detail.
Jak dotąd nie odnotowaliśmy zbyt wielu sukcesów, co zilustrował bardziej szczegółowo kolega poseł, który zabierał głos przede mną.
The Sports illustrated guy came in this morning.
Dzisiaj rano przyjechał gość ze ,,Sports Illustrated.
The illustrated book for the adults. I was born, but...
Ilustrowana książka dla dorosłych. Urodziłem się, ale...
Nobody from Akron had ever been on the cover of Sports illustrated before.
Nikt z Akron nie był wcześniej na okładce pisma sportowego.
On the other, we wish to take this opportunity to make our reservations clear, which are illustrated by three points:
Z drugiej strony, chcemy skorzystać z okazji, by jasno wyrazić nasze zastrzeżenia, odzwierciedlone przez trzy poniższe punkty:
Yes, he received a Sports illustrated football phone.
Tak, dostał telefon w kształcie piłki od Sports Illustrated.
Will Garth ever get his Sports illustrated football phone?
Czy Garth dostanie w końcu telefon w kształcie piłki od Sports Illustrateď?
I never lost my Sports illustrated swimsuit phone.
Nigdy nie zgubiłem mojego telefonu.
Like, did you ever see Paulina in her first Sports illustrated layout?
Widziałeś na przykład Paulinę w jej 1-szych rozkładówkach dla Sports Illustrated?
The stereotype that it is a woman's lot to do auxiliary work is well illustrated here.
Dobrze to ilustruje stereotyp, że kobiety zajmują się dodatkowymi, pomocniczymi pracami.
What is illustrated here is a very particular kind of tragedy intrinsically associated with being female.
Fakty te są ilustracją tragedii bardzo szczególnego rodzaju, związanej z byciem kobietą.
Within this cooperation, as the debate has illustrated, Libya and Turkey have prime position.
Pierwsze miejsce w ramach tej współpracy przysługuje Libii i Turcji, czego dowiodła ta debata.
Therefore, we can, in this example, only agree if this reality is also illustrated in the report.
Dlatego w tym przypadku możemy się zgodzić na zaproponowaną zmianę, jeżeli stan faktyczny zostanie także zilustrowany w sprawozdaniu.
Come on,get this shot for Sports illustrated.
Jedno zdjęcie dla Sports Illustrated.
I read about his latest trip up the Amazon in Invertebrates illustrated
Czytałam o jego ostatniej wyprawie do Amazonki w celu ilustrowania bezkręgowców.
You'il have your first Sports illustrated cover.
Masz okładkę Sports Illustrated.
Sports illustrated swimsuit issue, she's the cover.
Sports Illustrated kotiumy kąpielowe, ona jest na okładce.
Our town in Sports illustrated.
Nasze miasto w Sports Illustrated.
Work is not the only way of preventing poverty, however, as illustrated by the many cases of poverty amongst working people.
Dlatego praca przedstawiana jest jako najlepsze zabezpieczenie przed tym zjawiskiem.
I like the catalogue of ManuFrance, the illustrated catastrophes in old encyclopedias.
Lubię katalog ManuFrance, ilustracje katastrof w starym wydaniu Larousse'a.
My Sports illustrated football phone.
Telefon w kształcie piłki ze Sports Illustrated.
Okay, I have some dating tips for you. I got them from Sports illustrated.
Mam dla ciebie kilka rad z magazynu Sports Illustrated.
In my opinion, the continuing differences between markets - as illustrated by developments in the United States - give cause for reflection.
Moim zdaniem trwałe występowanie różnic pomiędzy rynkami - co pokazują zmiany w Stanach Zjednoczonych - daje powód do zastanowienia.
You've seen him in Sports illustrated, on the Cinnamon Toast Crunch box.
Widzieliście go w Sports Illustrated, na pudełkach cynamonowych płatków.
Yeah, I think, uh, Vivica Stevens works for Sports illustrated, right?
Zrozum. Zdaje się, że Vivica Stevens pracuje dla Sports Illustrated, tak?
I should stress that it was the display that was considered too shocking, not the actions it illustrated.
Uznano ją za zbyt drastyczną - wystawę, a nie czyny, które dokumentowała.
That was illustrated perfectly today in this hall - when Mr Sarkozy left, all the journalists left.
Doskonałym tego dowodem była sytuacja, która zaistniała na tej sali - gdy wyszedł pan przewodniczący Sarkozy, opuścili ją również wszyscy dziennikarze.
The absurdity of this situation was illustrated by the example that the rapporteur, Mr Coelho, raised.
Absurdalność tej sytuacji przedstawił na przykładzie sprawozdawca, pan poseł Coelho.
The authorised, illustrated biography of Lord Vetinari.
Autoryzowana, ilustrowana biografia lorda Vetinari.
No, Wow, nice helicopter? No, Hey, great article in Sports illustrated?
Żadnego łaaał!, ładny helikopter, dobra robota z tym artykułem w Sports Illustrated?
I feel that today's debate has simply illustrated that many people have been involved, because it has concerned three reports with many shadow rapporteurs etc.
Myślę, że dzisiejsza debata po prostu pokazała, że wiele osób zostało zaangażowanych, ponieważ sprawa obejmowała trzy sprawozdania z wieloma sprawozdawcami pomocniczymi itp.
The euro has been a rock of stability for its members, as illustrated by the contrasting fortunes of Iceland and Ireland.
Euro stało się ostoją stabilności dla członków jego strefy, czego przykładem są skrajnie odmienne przypadki Islandii i Irlandii.
However, that model is causing problems for Boeing, as illustrated by the very serious difficulties it is experiencing with the industrialisation of its 787 Dreamliner.
Wzór ten sprawia jednak koncernowi Boeing wiele trudności, o czym świadczą bardzo poważne problemy z uprzemysłowieniem samolotu 787 Dreamliner.
This is the classic knock-on effect, which is best illustrated by the effects of the splendid European Capital of Culture programme.
Działa tutaj klasyczne sprzężenie zwrotne. Najlepiej ilustrują to efekty znakomitego programu Europejska Stolica Kultury.
This was proved by the 2004 and 2007 accessions, as illustrated, for instance, by the significant positive effect on relations between Hungary and Romania.
Udowodniły to akcesje w lat 2004 i 2007, co ilustruje, na przykład, pozytywny wpływ na stosunki pomiędzy Węgrami a Rumunią.
Mr President, as the Court judgment has illustrated, we are all trapped in Dublin II.
Panie Przewodniczący! Jak pokazał wyrok Trybunału, wszyscy znajdujemy się w pułapce rozporządzenia Dublin II.
This is an important prerogative of Parliament, as illustrated for example by its influence on the resignation of the Santer Commission in 1999.
To ważne prawo Parlamentu, czego ilustracją jest na przykład jego wpływ na rezygnację Komisji Santera w roku 1999.
Reebok, Coca-Cola, Sports illustrated for Women.
Reebok, Coca-Cola, Magazyny sportowe dla kobiet.
Madam President, Commissioner Verheugen has very impressively illustrated how the crisis spilled over from the financial market to the market in car sales.
Pani przewodnicząca! Pan komisarz Verheugen opisał nam w niezwykle plastyczny sposób, w jaki sposób kryzys przeniósł się z rynku finansowego na rynek sprzedaży samochodów.
This was very clearly illustrated by Mr Schmidt and Mr Hökmark.
Zostało to jasno zilustrowane przez panów posłów Schmidta i Hökmarka.