(Adverb) pośpiesznie, szybko, prędko, w pośpiechu;
decision taken too hurriedly - decyzja podjęta nazbyt pośpiesznie;
w pośpiechu
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
In her lovely Richmond back garden, at nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, Ogden-Newton gulps down a supermarket smoked chicken and cheese bagel for her lunch while we talk. Behind her in the kitchen, her laptop is open, waiting for her to blog and tweet on behalf of Social Enterprise London before her taxi to the airport comes. "Maybe that's what defines the middle class these days: the willingness and the ability to box and cox," she says, sitting forward in her garden chair, wearing smart shoes but an old T-shirt, hair hurriedly brushed. "I work 12-hour days. I share the childcare with my husband. I love what I do, and I love my family life, and I love gardening. But I am running out of hours."
She hurriedly veers away from questions she'd rather not answer, as if we're approaching each other in dodgem cars. When I ask how the coverage of her engagement to Brooker made her feel, she begins: "Journalists know other journalists â?? that's the only reason my engagement made it into the papers. I don't think real people are interested â?? just the media, just Twitter!" And then, quickly, she segues into a debate about the importance of social networking when working in television. When gently pushed, she says: "I'm really not aware of much press. I could drive myself mental if I went on the internet. I'd probably overanalyse it anyway. There's so much media that I'd feel bombarded, so I don't pay it much attention. Plus, people in the public eye are all egomaniacs anyway. I must be, too, though I like to think when I started on Blue Peter things were different. It was 1997, which predated rolling news, social network sites, celeb mags â?? I started in an era when you didn't have to be so self-obsessed."
"Make no mistake, this is a global disaster," Ban told a hurriedly convened session of the UN general assembly. "Pakistan is facing a slow-motion tsunami. Its destructive powers will accumulate and grow with time," he warned.
Lanyon has also found a contemporary report in the archives of the newspaper, Cornish Evening Tidings, that claims Ribbentrop hurriedly left St Ives incognito on the train when war loomed.
Hannah Rothschild's access was unfettered; Mandelson is shown at home in his dressing gown, wrestling with his dog, Jack, and standing in his underpants in his office as he hurriedly tries to change into a tuxedo.
Hannah Rothschild's access was unfettered: Mandelson is shown at home in his dressing gown, wrestling with his dog, Jack, and standing in his underpants in his office as he hurriedly tries to change into a tuxedo.
Unfortunately, until further notice we only have the old Fund, which has been in existence in its present form since September 2002 and which was cobbled together hurriedly at the time.
Niestety, do czasu kolejnego zgłoszenia, będzie obowiązywał stary Fundusz, który w obecnej formie funkcjonuje od września 2002 roku, a który został sporządzony w tamtym czasie naprędce.
On Sunday a constitutional referendum will hurriedly be held which aims to introduce an authoritarian and exclusive regime and which proposes to establish what is being termed 'Socialism for the 21st century'.
W niedzielę odbędzie się przyspieszone referendum konstytucyjne, którego celem jest wprowadzenie reżimu autorytarnego, i który stawia sobie za cel stworzenie systemu nazywanego "Socjalizmem dla XXI wieku”.