(Noun) geografia Halifax;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The 21st G7 summit is held in Halifax, Canada.
Dwudziesty pierwszy szczyt G7 w Halifaksie w Kanadzie.
Like the threatened Tate extension, a hoped-for transformation of Piece Hall in Halifax is the kind of public scheme described by Bennetts that may suffer. Last week the people of the Yorkshire town learned that plans to turn one of their most historic buildings into a Â?16m European-style piazza could be scaled back due to lack of funds. In March the local council was awarded Â?239,700 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to draw up blueprints before a further Â?7m was committed. Now there are fears that a promise of an extra Â?3m from Yorkshire Forward, the regional development agency, may not be honoured as the agency is replaced in a government shake-up.
Bank of Scotland, Halifax and HSBC add to the confusion by claiming they may or may not personally notify consumers about smaller rate cuts, while Nationwide building society makes no commitment whatsoever in its terms and conditions to personally notify customers of changes to interest rates, no matter how large a cut may be.
Halifax reveals biggest monthly drop in 27 years as number of houses for sale increases and demand dampens
House prices fell 3.6% in September â?? the biggest drop for a single month since the Halifax started collecting data in 1983.
"The Halifax data is at face value an absolute shocker," he said. "While a drop in house prices always seemed probable in September after Halifax had reported price rises in August and July that conflicted with other surveys, a plunge of 3.6% month-on-month was off everybody's radar."
He added: "The Halifax data will undoubtedly raise fears of a housing market crash. However, it is important to put the data into perspective. The data highlights how volatile housing market data can be on a month-to-month basis and from survey to survey, so it is best not to attach too much importance to one piece of data. It is clear that the 3.6% plunge in house prices reported by the Halifax in September is partly a correction to the surprising rises reported in August and July which conflicted with other data and surveys."
The Halifax data show annual house price inflation slowed to 2.6% in the three months to September from 4.6% in the three months to August and a peak of 6.9% in the three months to May. The Nationwide data show that the year-on-year rise in house prices slowed to 3.1% in September from 3.9% in August and a peak of 10.5% in April.
Data on house prices during September has been conflicting. Halifax reported that house prices fell by a record 3.6% during September â?? the biggest fall in 27 years â?? although Nationwide had house prices rising 0.1% in the same month.
Not for the first time, storm clouds appear to be gathering over the stubbornly robust UK housing market. The usual autumn bounce in new home sales has not materialised, say the Home Builders Federation. The latest surveys from the Halifax and Nationwide point to price falls gathering pace â?? with the Halifax figures described in the City as "a shocker". Gross mortgage lending continues to slow, according to figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders.
Speculation that house prices could be reaching a tipping point was triggered by a shock Halifax survey showing a 3.6% decline in house prices for September, the steepest monthly drop recorded by the lender since 1983. A flurry of reports told homeowners that prices were falling at Â?200 a day, with Howard Archer, chief economist at IHS Global Insight, describing it as "an absolute shocker ... [that will] undoubtedly rase fears of a housing market crash".
Your mother wanted to go to Halifax, to bring you home.
Twoja matka chciała wyruszyć do Halifaxu, by przywieźć cię do domu.
And that one down there is Halifax, yeah.
A ten na dole to Halifax.
They may be in New York, but this is Halifax.
Może i są w Nowym Jorku, ale tu jest Halifax.
So I booked you passage on a ship to Halifax.
Więc zarezerwowałem ci przepustkę na statek do Halifax.
The ceremony took place Saturday in a church in Halifax.
Ceremonia odbyła się w sobotę w kościele w Halifaxie.
If I've got it right, all this woman has to do is leave Halifax...
Jeśli dobrze rozumiem, ta kobieta ma opuścić Halifax-...
He's the star of the Halifax adverts.
Jest gwiazdą reklam z Halifax.
Anyway, I didn't come to propose marriage... but to ask you to leave Halifax.
Zresztą, nie przyszedłem tu oświadczać się, ... lecz prosić cię, byś opuściła Halifax.
Life in Halifax is very expensive.
Życie w Halifaxie jest bardzo drogie.
Well, Halifax is so vulgar and stifling.
Halifax wydaje się taki ordynarny i duszny.
Adele, if you really love me... you'll leave Halifax and go back to Guernsey.
Adele, jeśli naprawdę mnie kochasz... opuścisz Halifax i wrócisz na Guernsey.
North Carolina, and before that Halifax.
Północnej Karolinie, a wcześniej w Halifax.
Shockingly bad road, that, from Halifax.
Strasznie złe drogi, te z Halifax.
Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning ofempathy
Joan Halifax: Współczucie i prawdziwe znaczenieempatii
Ever or Never, and then there's you and me and Halifax and Marzipan.
Na zawsze albo wcale tu jesteś ty i ja i Halifax i Marcepan.
San Francisco, Lisbon, Halifax: Voila.
San Francisco, Lizbona, Halifax, gotowe!