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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Dr Faiers thinks that plaid's unique dual history in establishment and anti-establishment means it still represents more than a style trend. "You could argue that in a recession climate, tartan signals a back-to-basics feel. You can put a sociological spin on it, and there aren't many fabrics you can do that with."
The signature look revolves around crumpled fabrics and clothes that often to the untrained eye might appear to be lopsided. Their logo, most recognisable on their fine gauge knitwear, is a ram's skull. In addition, the label sells commercial pieces, such as shoes, battered denim and skinny leather jackets, all given the AllSaints rock-like remix.
I asked the manager if they employed local women. "No, women do not work in Jordan," he answered, assuring me that the towering hotel â?? with its $1,600 suites, Thai masseurs, western food, shuttle buses and luxury Sri Lankan fabrics â?? was eco-friendly. Sure, it had its own spring water, and an organic vegetable patch, but I am certain the lodges in the new Wild Jordan will offer a more authentic experience.
I asked the manager if they employed local women. "No, women do not work in Jordan," he answered, assuring me that the towering hotel â?? with its $1,600 suites, Thai masseurs, western food, shuttle buses and luxury Sri Lankan fabrics â?? was eco-friendly. Sure, it had its own spring water, and an organic vegetable patch, but I am certain the lodges in the new Wild Jordan will offer a more authentic experience.
â??Vivienne Westwood's Red Label brought us pyjama stripes, checks, leopard print : a mash up of fabrics and textures all brought together with a cinched in leather eyelet belt. Jacquetta Wheeler and Daisy Lowe modelling. It was business as usual for dame Viv's secondary line. Two questions though. Will anyone apart from long time fanPamela Anderson who was seated front row want the Liberty print pirate boots? And why must the beautiful Daisy Lowe stomp so?
Alfred, which of these two fabrics do you like best?
Alfredzie, który z dwóch podoba ci się najbardziej?
Lucy and I just wrote a book about fabrics.
Napisałam właśnie z Lucy książkę o tkaninach.
Chloroform can sometimes act as a solvent when it comes in contact with fabrics.
Chloroform może czasami zadziałać jak rozpuszczalnik, kiedy dochodzi do kontaktu z tkaninami.
Do you have any lightweight fabrics?
Macie może jakiś lekki materiał?
Fine wool for fine fabrics.
Dobra wełna w dobrej fabryce.
And the fabrics: cotton, silk, lace.
Bawełna, jedwab, koronki.
New fibres and fabrics are entering the market and it is difficult for consumers to understand what it is they are buying.
Do obrotu wprowadzane są nowe włókna i materiały, a konsumentom z trudnością przychodzi zrozumienie, co właściwie kupują.
We are aware of the legal action that has been taken by Fibres and Fabrics International against the Clean Clothes Campaign.
Wiemy, że Fibres and Fabrics International wszczęła postępowanie sądowe przeciwko Clean Clothes Campaign.