ściganie; zagonienie; adj. ścigający
~ to death - zagonienie na śmierć
nacinanie rowków, nacinanie gwintu, grawerowanie n
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Charlie Kronick, senior climate advisor for Greenpeace, said the lessons of the Gulf spill were that "chasing the last drops of oil" carried huge risks and the likelihood of accidents and unreliable dividends was likely to rise.
iPhone4 is sold in the US, Europe and elsewhere, but it was assembled in China. As the world's center for the processing of IT products, China's environment is paying the price. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and battery power production especially create heavy metal pollution and has particularly serious damage and consequences. To promote the development of a true shift to green business behavior, 34 environmental NGOs conducted research and found data on some heavily polluting suppliers to IT brands. Then they made communications on this issue with 29 IT brands including Apple. Now 50 days has passed and Apple, with all its high-profile environmental commitment, is one of the 8 companies who did not respond. At the conference, Mr. Jobs talked about the new features of the iPhone4 and its relatively low price, which has obviously become a competitive factor for this new phone. With its imagination and large sales, Apple has become the world's most valuable IT company. However people are starting to have doubts regarding Apple's silence on heavy metal pollution problems. Has Apple deliberately ignored its issues with environmental supply chain management in order to control costs and maintain price competitiveness? Of course as consumers we want cheap and good products, however if these production processes are exceeding wastewater discharge standards and even causing heavy metal pollution, they will cause long lasting damage to the ecological environment and public health. Today, even though we enjoy "cheap" IT products, tomorrow our children will have to pay a thousand times the cost to clean rivers, lakes, soil, the ocean and even their own bodies of heavy metals. Therefore Apple and other IT companies will have to pay for the consequences, as British Petroleum is doing today. If we do not agree on such a future, we can in a peaceful, rational and determined way express our expectations and demands to Apple and other companies to strengthen their control over heavy metal emissions. Apple Inc. has a responsibility to respond to our expectations, because they have always made a high-profile announcement of its green commitment. So when you purchase their products, you are also purchasing a commitment. Apple relies almost entirely on outsourcing, so if suppliers are left unchecked, and violate discharge rules and standards, the company also violates their commitment. Thus consumers have a right to request explanations to be made and corrective measures to be taken. There are already a number of successful cases of brand companies controlling suppliers' heavy metal pollution. One aspect is that China's environmental transparency has significantly improved. The pollution map database now contains over 60,000 corporate violation records from government sources. This allows brands to easily compare their list of suppliers with government issued non-compliant records. Currently GE, Nike, Wal-Mart, Esquel, Unilever, Mitsui Property and others have already started to use the database to track the performance of their suppliers in China. Through regular screening, more than one hundred companies with violation records have felt pressure over the past months and they have publicly disclosed their problems and corrective measures. As noted above, currently Samsung, HP, Panasonic, Toshiba and other IT companies have made attempts to use public enforcement records for monitoring and managing their supply chain. But the lion's share of IT brands is still taking a wait-and-see attitude. Perhaps they are waiting for the final signal, that is, a clear-cut message from the consumers. For the ecological environment and public health, and to leave our children with safe and inhabitable land, please raise your voice!
But in a video posted on YouTube, Mike Ellis, a skipper from Venice, Louisiana, accuses BP of chasing away a boat of conservationists trying to rescue turtles caught in the oil and weed a few miles away from the leak.
Alawda, the factory for which she is purchasing manager, has been forced to find an alternative source for the ingredients for its biscuits, wafers and ice-cream, which it has manufactured in dramatically reduced quantities since the siege of Gaza was intensified three years ago. Most of its raw materials are now illegally imported through the tunnels to Egypt which have become Gaza's lifeline.
"Dian was a tragic figure," says Goodall. "She was very, very tall, statuesque and really, really wanted to get married. She would say to people, 'Do you know a man who is six foot five and loves gorillas?' So she got a little bitter later on when I got married and Birute got married and she didn't. And she wasn't diplomatic. She tackled poachers by chasing them and did things that I would not have been brave enough to have done. Sometimes she was very stupid. But she brought the plight of the gorillas to everyone's attention."
Lying by a pool would certainly be improved by reading Colm T??ib?n's Brooklyn (Penguin). Summer reading should be all emotion, and I cared deeply for the heroine Eilis Lacey, as she left 1950s Ireland for the US. The pool I'll be in this summer will be part of an Icelandic river, where I will be chasing salmon. There I will recall the last book I loved, Blood Knots (Atlantic), Luke Jennings's stunning memoir of a childhood spent in search of fish in England. Given that most of you might think this sounds dreary, I'll quote Danny Finkelstein, a judge on the Samuel Johnson prize, who tweeted after it made the shortlist: "Luke Jennings did the impossible with Blood Knots â?? he made me excited and moved by fishing."
The number of applicants chasing each job is so high that nearly 78% of employers are insisting on a 2.1 degree, rendering a 2.2 marginal and effectively ruling out any graduates with a third, according to the survey published tomorrow.
The gratitude extends to work, which became suddenly easier; after appearing in The Truman Show and Solaris with George Clooney, chasing A-list jobs became less important than securing a reliable income. "The decisions are made easier. The work serves our lifestyle and that's all it's about at the moment."
I knew that there was absolutely no point pestering my parents for a SodaStream as there was no way they would ever buy one. The same was true for most of the children in my area â?? I attended a tiny rural school (there were six pupils in my year) and most of the pupils came from farming families who would never countenance purchasing anything quite so frivolous as a fizzy drinks maker.
This summer, women of all ages are once more being exhorted to get the perfect "bikini body" by every tabloid, gossip circular and glossy magazine. Singer Katy Perry and heiresses the Kardashian sisters are among this week's "best bikini body" celebrities, and ordinary women everywhere are trying to emulate their fairytale lifestyles by purchasing a particular cellulite-busting body scrub or embarking on a bizarre starvation diet.
You were off chasing some judge, Trying to help him.
Wyjechałaś w poszukiwaniu jakiegoś sędziego, próbując pomóc jemu.
I don't want to watch you guys chasing each other on my day off.
Nie chce was oglądać warczących na siebie w mój wolny dzień.
So why put in all this time and effort chasing us down?
Po co więc marnują czas i wysiłek, żeby nas schwytać?
So I was chasing this story, but it seems like a dead end.
Hej, Shauna. Goniłam za pewną historią, ale nic z tego nie będzie.
That's what you get for chasing that kind of girl.
Tak to jest, kiedy się zadajesz z takimi dziewczynami.
Them things out there, they was chasing us so we done something about it.
Z tym czym tam. Goniło nas więc z nimi walczyliśmy.
Does that guy you were chasing have something to do with this?
Tamten facet miał z tym coś wspólnego, czy tak?
I grew up watching this, and here he is chasing me.
Dorastałam oglądając tę serię, a teraz on mnie goni.
Having a dream and chasing it any way you can?
Mieć marzenie i gonić go w każdy możliwy sposób?
I throw myself out the window and see my husband chasing me.
Uciekam zrzucając sie z okna, a mój mąż mnie goni... ..
I saw you chasing that guy all over the dance floor.
Widziałem, jak gonisz faceta przez cały parkiet.
Sam said you've been chasing some big contract at work.
Sam powiedziała, że masz jakiś duży kontrakt w pracy.
What you see now is just a shadow chasing its body.
To co widzisz to poprostu cień, ścigający swoje ciało.
Are they chasing one of ours on the other side?
Czyżby polowali z drugiej strony na któregoś z naszych?
These aren't your men. They've been chasing us for days.
To nie twoi ludzi, tamci ścigają nas od kilku dni!
Now they are chasing his soul away because sometimes it doesn't want to leave.
Teraz przeganiają jego duszę. Bo zdarza się, że nie chce ona opuścić ciała.
My son tells me you two were chasing something in the lake today.
Mój syn powiedział mi, że ścigaliście coś w jeziorze dzisiaj.
And then I'll destroy their stuff while they're chasing us.
A potem coś im ukradnę, gdy będą nas ścigać.
You spent two years chasing the fellows that killed your friend.
lata uganiałeś się za gościem, który zabił twojego przyjaciela.
He's probably chasing us because of that stupid thing you put in the water.
Prawdopodobnie ściga nas przez tą głupią rzecz, która jest w wodzie.
Tried to stop him from chasing a foul ball on the field.
Spróbował zatrzymywać go od ścigania śmierdząca piłka na polu.
He's only chasing this down because he thinks it's a career opportunity.
Tak, robi to, bo myśli, że to okazja do zrobienia kariery.
Every time I see that guy, he's chasing a fire truck.
Za każdym razem kiedy widzę tego gościa, on goni wóz strażacki.
And just because I danced with him, he kept chasing me around the club.
I tylko dlatego, że tańczyłam z nim, latał za mną po całym klubie.
Where we're running in the dark maze with that thing chasing us.
Z tą kiedy my Iecimy Iabiryntem w ciemności, a to nas goni.
Okay, we're on to something, or they wouldn't be chasing us.
Wpadliśmy na coś. Inaczej by nas nie ścigali.
He's out chasing a man who locked him in his own jail.
Ściga człowieka, który go zamknął w jego własnym areszcie.
You had to come chasing me and spoil it all.
Musiałeś mnie ścigać i wszystko popsuć.
I want intel on this situation. Who's chasing him, and why?
Chce informacje na ten temat... kto go ściga i dlaczego.
I'll provoke them into chasing me, and you get the car. Yeah?
Sprowokuję ich, żeby mnie gonili, a ty weźmiesz samochód.
You know, I don't understand why y'all are chasing these young girls.
Wiesz, ja nie rozumiem Dlaczego y'all ściga tych młodych dziewczyn.
This makes a change. There's a monster and we're chasing it.
Hej, to dopiero odmiana... tam jest potwór, a my go gonimy.
I'm so sorry. These doors belong to the people who are chasing us.
Przepraszam, te drzwi należą do ludzi, którzy chcą nas złapać.
The first time we met, you were chasing me.
Gdy spotkaliśmy się pierwszy raz, ścigałaś mnie.
You're chasing two men with a gun in broad daylight.
Gonisz z bronią dwóch ludzi w biały dzień.
Not put my men in harm's way by chasing rabbits.
Nie mogą narazić moich ludzi goniąc za sławą.
You could at least tell me why those guys were chasing you.
Przynajmniej mógłbyś mi powiedzieć, czemu ci goście ścigają cię.
All those boys, chasing me, but it was only ever Rory.
Tylu chłopaków za mną biegało. Ale liczył się tylko Rory.
Did they see who he might have been chasing?
Widzieli, kogo mógł gonić? - Nie.
I want to see the girls chasing after him.
Chcę widzieć uganiające się za nim dziewczęta.
Dani, I need to know why that man was chasing you.
Dani, muszę wiedzieć, czemu ten człowiek was gonił.
Chasing each one will take time we don't have.
Goniąc każdą z nich stracimy czas, którego nie mamy..
Chasing after what was right in front of me.
Goniąc za tym, co miałem wprost przed oczami.
They were chasing a woman they thought was with me.
Gonili kobietę. Myśleli, że jesteśmy razem.
At first I loved chasing after those mules with my father.
na poczatku kochałem uganiać się za tymi wszystkimi monetami z moim ojcem.
I got to find a place to hide, and there's pirates chasing me.
Muszę znaleźć miejsce do ukrycia się, ścigają mnie piraci.
Now when I want to be here, you're chasing me to the
Teraz, kiedy chcę zostać, ty wyganiasz mnie do
It's like chasing a ghost through a hall of mirrors.
Ale to trochę jak ściganie ducha w sali pełnej luster.
Did you not see that thing chasing my friend?
Czy nie widzisz, że to coś poluje na mojego przyjaciela?
One of the drones was chasing us into the forest.
Jeden z żołnierzy ścigał nas aż do lasu.