im. Karol
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The scene: Sub Pop, founded by Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman in 1986, was modelled on earlier, regional independents such as Motown. Producer Jack Endino used quick and cheap recording techniques, giving key early acts (Mudhoney, Soundgarden) their distinctive sound, while Charles Peterson's photographs documented the first gigs and gave the scene a defined aesthetic.
Kingsolver says that the witch hunts "changed the nature of how we define literature. The rules became 'write about simple matters of the human heart and avoid matters of state'. But I also grew up reading Doris Lessing's Rhodesia novels, and Tolstoy, and Charles Dickens, whom I think is extremely political. So I always thought, 'Well, literature's about important things'."
Meanwhile, the Times's Ben Macintyre compares the attitude to history represented by the Bloody Sunday inquiry with that of French president Charles de Gaulle: "one [de Gaulle] sought to soften and simplify the past, the other has worked to expose the truth, however ugly". He adds:
The documents were released to the paper by the high court, which has been hearing a dispute over the scrapping of the development designed by Lord Rogers. They show that before democratically elected planners were due to decide on whether to grant planning permission, Charles briefed Sir Simon Milton, the official in charge of planning in the capital, about his concerns.
Clarence House has previously admitted that Charles complained about the proposals to leading members of the Qatari royal family, whose development firm, Qatari Diar, was undertaking the scheme. But this is the first time evidence has emerged that he personally intervened with public officials with direct influence over the project's fate.
A spokeswoman for Milton tonight confirmed that Charles did discuss the project with him at Poundbury, the Prince's neo-Georgian new town in Dorset. "Simon Milton recalls being introduced to His Royal Highness at a reception at which he was the principal guest and they had a brief exchange about architecture, during which the Prince of Wales referred to Chelsea Barracks," she said. "At that time Mr Milton was on the receiving end of many representations both for and against the scheme, which he then relayed to officers in the planning decisions unit, as he would for any major planning application to be considered by the mayor."
The revelation suggest that Charles went further than was previously understood in his bid to undermine a scheme which he reportedly told the Qatari prime minister was unsympathetic and unsuitable for the prime central London site.
"Prince Charles has to be made accountable for what he is doing and we need full disclosure about his influence on public policy."
In an apparent attempt to undermine the effect of any planning decision in favour of the Lord Rogers designs, Peat told the Qataris that Charles "might press His Excellency [the Qatari prime minister] for a private view on whether or not the scheme would be pursued if indeed it is supported by Westminster".
As a result they decided they must get Charles to "agree to the general gist of development" even if he would not support the architecture.
What did you say to Charles to make him want to stay in town?
Co powiedziałaś Charlesowi że przekonałaś go by pozostał w mieście?
I asked Charles about you and he said you're a great guy.
Pytałam o ciebie Charlesa. Mówił, że świetny z ciebie facet.
If Charles had died in bed, we wouldn't even have him.
Jeśli Karol umarłby w łóżku, nie miałybyśmy nawet jego.
She wrote Charles such a moving letter when your father died.
Napisała poruszający list do Charlesa, gdy zmarł twój ojciec.
Find the thing you Charles something that is not here.
Odnajdź tę część siebie, której miejsce nie jest tu.
Charles has given me a week to deal with it.
Charles dał mi tydzień aby się z tym uporać.
Miss Charles, tell me what you don't like about yourself.
Pani Charles, czego pani w sobie nie lubi?
Sir Charles' death was a great personal loss to me.
Śmierć Sir Charlesa była dla mnie wielką stratą.
Charles is a sick man and he will not help himself.
Charles jest chory i nie jest w stanie sam sobie pomóc.
Charles always used to drive me crazy when he was little.
Charles zawsze mnie doprowadzał do szaleństwa, gdy był mały.
I can no longer wait for the death of Charles to release you.
Nie mogę już dłużej czekać, aż śmierć Charlesa cię uwolni.
Yes, Charles, what is it you would like to say?
Tak, Charles, co chciałbyś powiedzieć?
You're the one who wanted her dead, Charles, not the island.
To ty chciałeś jej śmierci, Charles, nie wyspa.
He was murdered by a man who works for Charles.
Zabili go ludzie, którzy pracują dla Charlesa.
Then, when he wasn't needed any longer, Charles was the next victim.
Potem, kiedy już był zbędny, Charles był następną ofiarą.
But in the final analysis, it was your victory, Charles.
Ale ostatecznie, jest to twoje zwycięstwo, Charles.
I've had only one lover my husband Charles,who died last spring.
Miałam tylko jednego mojego męża Charlesa. Ale zmarł na wiosnę
Do you think that prisoner in the other room was Charles?
Myśli pani, że więźniem w tym drugim pokoju był Charles?
Your brothers seem to be men of good spirit, Charles especially.
Panny bracia wydają się być pełni życia, szczególnie Charles.
You're a lot more than a cousin to me, Charles.
Jesteś dla mnie więcej niż tylko kuzynem.
Ain't nobody calls Charles by that name to his face.
Nikt, ale to nikt nie nazywa tak Charlesa w jego obecności.
Sir Charles asked that they be drawn up in full.
Sir Charles prosił, żeby wszystko to zostało wyrysowane..
My brother Charles was one of the guys he singled out for particular attention.
Mój brat Charles zwrócił na siebie ich uwagę.
Charles, if he's really that big and bad, maybe we should wait for Angel.
Charles, jeśli to coś jest naprawdę takie wielkie i złe, może powinniśmy poczekać na Anioła.
But, Charles, you have to ask yourself, is she worth dying for?
Ale, Charles, musisz zapytać sam siebie, czy ona jest warta twojej śmierci?
We're damned, Charles, because of what we did to those girls.
Będziemy potępieni, Charles, za to, co zrobiliśmy tym dziewczynom.
Oh, and that 's little Charles down at the pool.
O, a to mały Charles w basenie.
I think we can all agree that Charles has been through an ordeal.
Myślę, że wszyscy możemy się zgodzić, że Charles przeszedł przez ciężkie chwile.
I seem to remember a similar reassignment for you, Charles.
Ja za to pamiętam podobne przeniesienie dla ciebie, Charles.
I don't want to be rude, Charles, but times have changed.
Nie chcę być niegrzeczny, Charlie, ale moda się zmienia.
This is probably one of the last comic covers Charles ever did.
To prawdopodobnie ostatnia okładka komiksu, jaką zrobił Charles.
With respect, sir charles. why don't we cover up the words? no.
Z całym szacunkiem, sir Charlesie. Może warto by zakryć napis? - Nie.
Charles was running late, and as a result, he missed his regular train.
Charles był spóźniony i nie zdążył na swój zwykły pociąg..
Charles wrote that these toilet articles were hard to get.
Charles pisał, że trudno tu o artykuły toaletowe.
I can't be dragged in another drama, with you Charles.
Nie mogę być wplątana w kolejną aferę z tobą.
Charles, I only want to hear the good tonight.
Charles, chcę dzisiaj słyszeć tylko dobre rzeczy, ok?
Charles said you were nice, and he was right.
Charles mówił, że jesteś miła, i miał rację.
Why not come out where I can see you, Charles?
Czemu nie pojawisz się tutaj, żebym się spotkali, Charles?
Thank you'm not in the subway 've left behind, Charles.
Dziękuję, że nie zostawiłeś mnie na stacji metra, Charles.
Charles and I talk quite a bit about things.
Charles i ja trochę sobie rozmawiamy.
John will tell Charles the truth about our baby.
John powie Charlesowi prawdę o naszym dziecku.
You may all leave little Charles to my care.
Wszyscy możecie iść, a ja zajmę się dzieckiem.
About an hour ago, I got a call from my brother Charles.
Godzinę temu dostałem telefon od mojego brata, Charlesa.
You decided what you were going to do, Charles, some time ago.
Jakiś czas temu sam sobie rozkazałeś, co w życiu robić, Charles.
And he didn't say anything about Charles, about what we found?
I nic ci nie powiedział o Charles'ie, o tym co znaleźliśmy?
Until two days ago, the only thing I knew about Charles was his name.
Jeszcze dwa dni temu, jedyną pewną rzeczą o Karolu było jego imię.
Charles, what am I supposed to do without you?
Charles, co ja bez ciebie zrobię?
Why did charles widmore bring you back to the island?
Dlaczego Charles Widmore sprowadził cię z powrotem na wyspę?
I hope you will listen to what Charles has to offer you.
Mam nadzieję, że przemyślisz to co Charles ma do zaoferowania.
Charles, I do not want to tell that story.
Charles, nie chcę o tym opowiadać.