(Noun) kupiec, handlarz uliczny;
handlarz uliczny
(archaic term for an itinerant peddler)
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Australian Barbarians Hynes (Reds); Cummins (Western Force), Chambers (Reds; Barnes, Waratahs, 13), Faingaa (Reds), Turner (Waratahs); Beale (Waratahs), Valentine (Brumbies); Cowan (Western Force; Polota-Nau, Waratahs, 73), Polota-Nau (Waratahs; Edmonds, Brumbies, 44), Weeks (Reds; Slipper, Reds, 51), Chapman (Brumbies), Simmons (Reds; Chisholm, Brumbies, 45), McCalman (Western Force), McCutcheon (Waratahs; Hodgson (Western Force, 51), Hoiles (Brumbies, capt).
It also emerged last night that one of the accused, Anna Chapman, had lived and worked in Britain. According to reports she lived in the UK for around four years from 2003, and today a private plane hire firm, NetJets Europe, said she had been employed at its London office for a short period. US and Russian reports said Chapman was married to a British citizen.
NetJets said last night: "We can confirm that Ms Chapman was employed by NetJets Europe from May to July 2004, as an executive assistant in the sales department."
The US court documents also lays bare the stiltedly textbook spycraft used by the Russians to identify their own side. In one comic encounter spy Anna Chapman is told her contact will ask: "Excuse me, but haven't we met in California last summer?"
Southern Union was set up by Anna Chapman â?? one of 10 people accused of being part of a Russian spy ring â?? and her husband Alex to wire money from Zimbabwe.
Alex Chapman, who was married to her for three years, has said Southern Union was a charity set up in 2002 by the couple to enable Zimbabwean expats to wire money back home at competitive rates. The company was set up by a millionaire South African friend of Anna's father who then took a commission, he said. Company documents filed by Ms Chapman show her signature.
It was during her 'London years' from 2002 to 2007 that Chapman underwent her meteoric evolution from callow girl to the sort of sophisticated young woman who moves easily across the most influential and wealthy echelons of society.
Nicholas Camilleri, chief executive of the Mayfair-based hedge fund company Navigator Asset Management Advisers, said when he first met Chapman in 2005, she was, he said, "a 'green, wet behind the ears' type of girl".
But less than two years later, Chapman was being wined and dined at Annabel's and Cipriani in the company of Vincent Tchenguiz, a private equity billionaire.
Born in 1982 to Irina and Vasily Kushchenko, a diplomat who served as Russian ambassador in Kenya, Chapman seemed to have learned none of her father's urbanity by the time she first came to London.
I'm giving you a chance to make your time count, Chapman.
Daję ci szansę na to, by twój czas tutaj coś znaczył.
Try to look at your experience here as a mandala, Chapman.
Wyobraź sobie, że twój pobyt tu to taka mandala, Chapman.
Chapman and Hall will always remember they've met you.
Chapman i Hall będą zawsze pamiętać, że cię spotkali.
What was Chapman doing in your field that night, John?
Co tamtej nocy Chapman robił na twoim polu?
Chapman, do you think it cost you the game? No.
Chapman, wiesz ile kosztoła Cię ta gra?
You own the condominium project under construction at Chapman woods?
Posiadasz projekt budowy bloku w trakcie realizacji w lasach Chapman?
Chapman wrote me three letters for my case and it did fuck-all.
Chapman napisała mi trzy listy w mojej sprawie i huj.
If you fight, they won't say that Chapman forced you to.
Jeśli będziesz walczył, oni nie powiedzą że Chapman Cię zmusił.
Chapman, this is my cousin who works for us.
Chapman, to jest moja kuzynka, która pracuje dla nas.
So you're saying that Chapman did pull the trigger?
Więc uważasz, że David Chapman pociągnął za spust?
Dr. Chapman says it often happens with delicate skin like mine.
Dr. Chapman mówi, że to się często zdarza... z tak delikatną skórą jak moja.
Have you known Chapman long? Five years. Here and at school.
Długo się znacie z Chapmanem? Pięć lat, od szkoły.
A girl named Lucy Chapman was murdered last night or this morning.
Lucy Chapman została zamordowana wczoraj wieczorem... albo dziś rano.
Shut up real quick once Chapman gets you.
Zamkną cię bardzo szybko, jak dopadli Chapman.
I'm sure that Chapman's millionaire widow needs that watch more than you do.
Na bank wdowa po Chapmanie i jej miliony potrzebują tego zegarka bardziej niż ty.
I understand George Chapman paid you a visit yesterday.
Jak rozumiem, George Chapman złożył ci wczoraj wizytę. - Zgadza się.
Chapman says his wife is now in Tahoe.
Chapman mówi, że jego żona pojechała do Tahoe.
Major, you say Sergeant Chapman did some sick things.
Majorze, powiedział pan, że sierżant Chapman zachowywał się dziwnie.
Mark David Chapman over here has a shrine to Pete.
Mark David Chapman, ten tutaj, ma świra na punkcie Pete'a
Victim number two, annie chapman, was murdered here.
Ofiara numer dwa, Annie Chapman, została zamordowana tu.
Yeah, you get that wet Chapman treatment.
Tak, masz wilgotną Chapman.
There was that annie chapman, you remember?
To była ta Annie Chapman, pamiętasz?
I mean, first Chapman and Tommy and now you're behaving like this?
Najpierw Chapman i Tommy, teraz jeszcze tak się zachowujesz?
Chapman want to visit us tonight.
Chapman chce nas odwiedzić dziś wieczorem.
Chapman wants to see you both.
Chapman chce widzieć was razem.
Chapman, the Phillies manager, seems to be chirping something out to Robinson.
Chapman, manager Phillies, wydaje się ćwierkać coś w stronę Robinsona.
Comedy never stops with you, Chapman.
Komedia nigdy się nie kończy, Chapman.
There's no good alternative to Chapman.
Nie ma alternatywy dla Chapmana.
You a real woman, Chapman.
Prawdziwa z ciebie kobieta, Chapman.
You know that girl who phoned, that Lucy Chapman?
Pamiętasz tę dziewczynę, która dzwoniła? Lucy Chapman?
Time to peel that orange, Chapman.
Czas obrać tę pomarańczę, Chapman.
Sergeant Chapman, you're free to go.
Sierżancie Chapman, jest pan wolny.
It's not phone hours yet, Chapman.
To nie jest godzina telefonów, Chapman.
Sergeant Chapman, how do you plead?
Jak się pan do nich ustosunkuje?
We got the tox screen back, mrs. Chapman.
Mamy jużwyniki badań toksykologicznych, pani Chapman.
You may step down, Professor Chapman.
Może pan odejść, profesorze Chapman.
Mr. Chapman claimed id hadnothing to do with religion,
Pan Chapman twierdzi, że inteligentny projekt nie ma nic wspólnego z religią.
As it stands now, nobody knows Ron Chapman is Tom Kubik.
Przy obecnym stanie rzeczy nikt nie wie, że Ron Chapman to Tom Kubik.
You see Chapman shoot the wetbacks?
Widziałeś jak Chapman strzelał do wieśniaków?
All right, Chapman, Diaz, this is you.
Dobra. Chapman i Diaz, to wasza cela.
It's Mr Chapman already from province trust.
Jest już pan Chapman z Provence Trust.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Chapman, but Odie's just my pet.
Dzięki Panie Chapman, ale Oddy jest tylko moim zwierzęciem.
Mrs. Chapman, he's trying to help.
Pani Chapman, stara się pomóc.
Mr Chapman didn't promise anything.
Pan Chapman niczego nie obiecywał.
Sort of like Jared Leto doing that Mark David Chapman role.
Tak jak Jared Leto gra rolę Marka Davida Chapmana.
And after that, Chapman's marrying Ada.
A potem, Ada wychodzi za Chapmana.
Senator Samuel Chapman?
Senator Samuel Chapman?
That's Jackie Chapman, our engineer, knocking.
To puka Jackie Chapman, nasz inżynier.
But Dr. Chapman says I'll soon be bounding about Iike a young gazelle.
Chapman mówi, że niedługo będę... jak młoda gazela.
Eric Chapman, from Pi Sigma?
Eric Chapman, z Pi Sigma?