adj. przekupiony
adj. przekupiony
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
For Kim Yong-hee, the current crisis is a timely reminder of the country in which he spent his first 15 years, and of why he decided to embark on a journey that so many others have tried and failed. He says he was taken to the border by a go-between, who bribed a North Korean guard to take the teenager across the Tumen River into northeast China. "At one point the water came up to my neck," he said.In the winter of 2007 she crossed a partially frozen Tumen River on the back of a bribed North Korean border guard, having been inspired to flee by a rare glimpse of a South Korean television drama. "All I could think about was my parents," says the 21-year-old. "I left while they were away on a trip and left I knew that they would be worried sick."Exclusive: Officials in Iraq were bribed to overlook effects of leaded petrol on children's healthThe company recently admitted that, in a deliberate policy to maximise profits, executives from Octel â?? which since changed its name to Innospec â?? bribed officials in Iraq and Indonesia with millions of dollars to carry on using TEL, despite its health hazards.PS: To prove that the Guardian hasn't been bribed by Orange to run this blog, here's how to get Orange Wednesday tickets even if you aren't an Orange customer.Michel Zen-Ruffinen, a former secretary general of Fifa, has allegedly said he can identify Fifa executive members who are willing to be bribed to buy their votes for the World Cups in 2018 (for which England is bidding) and 2022.Apart from that, pretty much anything goes. Over the years, he's distracted crews with prostitutes and witch doctors, bribed officials to look the other way, conned Russian mobsters and hidden from naval radar by riding out thunderstorms at sea; he's even taken a 10,000-tonne freighter out of Haiti while the 2004 revolution was going on around him. "It's basically a matter of planning," he says. "To get a boat out of port, you need a chief engineer and a one or two crewmen in your team, so everyone has to know exactly what they are doing.
You know what? That's really sweet, but my daughter cannot be bribed.
To było urocze, ale moja córka nie da się przekupić.
I even bribed a dealer not to sell my boy.
Nawet chciałem przekupić dilera, by nie sprzedawał mojemu synowi.
Your friend Contractor has bribed officials to shut it down.
Twój przyjaciel Contractor przekupił urzędników aby ją zamknęli.
I bribed one of your associates with a discount card.
Przekupiłem jednego z twoich współpracowników kartą zniżkową.
He's killed, intimidated or bribed half the government officials from here to Chile.
Zabił, zastraszył lub przekupił połowę urzędników stąd aż do Chile.
The guard on the north wall has been bribed.
Strażnik na północnej ścianie jest przekupiony.
Men bribed the hairdresser for a lock of her hair.
Mężczyźni okradali garderobę żeby dostać pukiel jej włosów.
I bribed one inmate with braces to give me all he had.
Przekupiłem więźnia z aparatem na zębach, żeby mi dał wszystkie, jakie miał.
He happily accepted the bribe money when there was no reason to be bribed.
Uszczęsliwiały go pieniądze z łapówek kiedy nie było żadnego powodu, by zostać przekupywanym,
He bribed the real custodian so he could have the job.
Przekupił prawdziwego dozorcę więc mógł mieć pracę.
Him and some other men... they bribed the guard Hans.
On i kilku innych mężczyzn... przekupili strażnika Hansa.
They bribed him with candy canes and cheap elf labor.
Przekupili go cukierkami i elfami, które pracują za grosze.
I've bribed the policeman, he'll come when it's over.
Przekupiłem policjanta. Przyjdzie, kiedy będzie po wszystkim.
In decent, civilised countries, government is usually decided by the citizens, the voters, and not by bribed security forces or the police.
W przyzwoitych, cywilizowanych krajach wpływ na wybór rządu mają zazwyczaj obywatele, wyborcy, a nie przekupione służby bezpieczeństwa czy policja.
I bribed the Minister of Health to have you transferred to Kigali.
Przekupiłem ministra zdrowia. Aby przeniósł cię do Kigali.
We bribed some officers... and split the money.
Przekupiliśmy urzędników... i podzieliliśmy się pieniędzmi.
My intransigent refusal to be bribed or terrorised has caused me to be dismissed for a second time.
Moja bezkompromisowa odmowa poddania się przekupstwu czy terrorowi doprowadziła do zwolnienia mnie po raz drugi.
Bleda bribed a guard to poison him.
Bleda przekupił strażnika, by ten go otruł.
Now, I've bribed a man with jewels.
Teraz, przekupywałem mężczyznę z klejnotami.
Huh-ho! So is that how you bribed
Więc to jest sposób w jaki chcesz przekupić
That gringo bribed the wrong cop.. .
Ten gringo przekupił niewłaściwego gliniarza.