Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) buty, obuwie; pucybut w hotelu, czyścibut hotelowy;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy




Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

buty (wysokie)
~, anti-mine - buty saperskie
~, army - buty ogólnowojskowe, buty wojskowe
~, combat - buty bojowe, buty wojskowe
~, flying - obuwie lotnicze
~, heavy - ciężkie buty
~, high - buty z cholewami
~, laced - buty sznurowane
~, leather - buty skórzane z cholewami
~, officers' - buty oficerskie
~, riding - buty do jazdy konnej
~, safety - obuwie ochronne
~, rubber - buty gumowe
~, sailing - buty żeglarskie
~, sapper's - buty saperskie

Słownik gospodarki wodno-ściekowej angielsko-polski

buty (z cholewami)
~, rubber - buty gumowe
~, wellington UK buty gumowe

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The 70-strong AllSaints chain, for the uninitiated, is a little bit Goth. Its edgy clothing rails are a sea of black, beige, and grey. Its trademark motif is a skull and its speciality is the distressed look; clothes made to look well worn-in and scuffed Victorian-style boots without laces.
Giving evidence to the Iraq War Inquiry earlier this year, Sir Jock, who was deputy chief of defence staff (equipment) at the time of the invasion, singled out problems with supplying enough combat body armour, desert combats and boots for frontline troops.
The sands were mainly empty, barring the workers in their rubber boots and gloves shovelling up the clumps of oil that washed up to 3.5 metres (12ft) up the beach, and dumping the stuff in plastic rubbish bags. But the oil was landing ashore as fast as they could clean. A few workers admitted they had cleaned the exact same patch of sand earlier in the day.
Mohammad is a peaceful, gentle person (he voted Green at the election) who does not see war as a solution. "Talibanism is a twisted belief that thrives on material and intellectual poverty. They cannot be defeated militarily â?? war is not a solution and never has been. I hope the decision-makers realise this soon and save the lives of Afghan civilians and British soldiers. More boots on the ground won't help and will exacerbate an already precarious situation." He hopes, instead, that efforts can be made to "strengthen civic society and create opportunities for young people".
On her BBC show, there's a touch of the superhero about her as she dons her boots and her statement jewellery, blow dries her signature bob, applies her lipstick and strides â?? Portas never merely walks; she wouldn't even know how to stroll â?? into failing businesses and tries to sort them out.
There is certainly enough land. Abandoned houses, vacant lots and empty factories now make up about a third of Detroit, totalling around 40 square miles â?? the size of San Francisco. Walking around the rows of houses surrounding the Hantz offices, Score envisions a landscape dominated by agriculture. With his black cowboy boots and a lilting accent that seems to hint at the South, he looks an unlikely visionary for urban Detroit as he describes vegetable plots, fields and greenhouses, all the while wielding a hefty stick to keep away stray dogs and looking at burnt-out houses sometimes used as crack dens. In among the ruins there are a few rows of neatly kept homes where brave residents continue to cling on, but Score does not see their presence as a problem. "We are not like a developer like Walmart, where we need the whole block of land to develop a new store. If someone is still living in their house and doesn't want to leave or sell, that's OK," he says. "We can just farm around them."
Been wearing your shorts in a festival kinda way? Worn them with an American Apparel vest, a straw trilby and a flat sandal? Great, you have the building blocks for autumn's new feminine minimalism. All you need do is resolve to wear the shorts with something neat and camel. Add some woollen tights â?? grey or neutral is good â?? and some ankle boots (bet you've got some of these, too) and you're set.
This ugly shoe is in good company. Back when Kate Moss rather than Kerry Katona was the woman you immediately associated with Uggs, sheepskin boots enjoyed a period of cult status. Dr Scholl's wooden-soled orthopaedic shoes enjoyed their heyday in the 70s and are periodically revived by cool kids such as Chloe Sevigny who want to stretch the ugly-shoe point too far by wearing them with what look like white DVT-preventative socks. Similarly, Birkenstock sandals made the unexpected leap from German campsite to Glastonbury VIP area in 2003. Crocs, meanwhile, are the ultimate so-ugly-it-hurts shoes. Their popularity qualifies them as shoe rebels, even if their looks really should confine them to the feet of the under-eights.
Are boots that make you look 'coltish' a good idea? And should 40-year-olds ever wear ripped jeans?
I have read in several magazines that certain shoes can make your legs look "coltish". Are ankle boots really the way to achieve this vulnerable Bambi-esque aesthetic?

So I turn around and next to the door, just my boots.
Odwróciłam się, i widzę, że przy drzwiach stoją tylko moje buty.

What, you think I want to sleep in boots the rest of my life?
Myślisz, że chcę spać w butach przez resztę mojego życia?

Every evening when you come to see me you'll put these boots on.
Gdy wieczorem będziesz do mnie przychodziła, założysz te buty.

Today I put on the boots you bought me two years ago.
Dzisiaj buty, które mi kupiłeś lata temu.

Okay, wait. Let me just get my boots off first.
Czekaj, daj mi chwilkę, najpierw może zdejmę buty.

Get me a new pair of boots and I'm in.
Kupcie mi nowe buty a jestem wasz.

Be a pleasure to go to the front in boots like these.
To przyjemność iść na front w takich butach.

Your folks gave me some money to get you new boots.
Twoi rodzice dali mi trochę kasy na buty dla ciebie.

But now I realize it wasn't my boots at all.
Właśnie sobie uświadomiłam, że to nawet nie były moje buty.

My mother knew what the sound of the boots on her front steps meant.
Moja matka wiedziała co oznacza dźwięk butów na schodach.

You buy yourself a new pair of boots or something.
Kup sobie nową parę butów piłkarskich lub czegoś w tym stylu.

No. You told me to get jeans and the boots.
Mówiłeś mi, żebym sprawił sobie jeansy i buty.

I remember 'cause his boots were too heavy and kind of fell through.
Pamiętam, bo jego buty były za ciężkie i ją złamały.

You think them boots on your feet come from a black cow?
Myślisz, że te buty, co masz na stopach pochodzą od czarnej krowy?

Yeah, and these fancy boots brought me from the future.
Tak, a te buty sprowadziły mnie z przyszłości.

Look, do you have anything that would go with combat boots?
Spójrz, czy masz coś, co mogłoby przypominać buty do walki?

The mud on your boots from where you've been walking.
Błoto na butach z miejsca spaceru.

As they say, a good pair of boots is worth walking for.
Jak to mówią, za dobrą parą butów warto pochodzić.

I don't see anything - There's something in my boots.
Nic nie widzę. - Coś jest w moim skafandrze.

Oh, well, kindness is just love with its work boots on.
Niemiło jest tylko kochać się w roboczych butach.

These boots were in the canyon where we found the gun.
Te buty przechadzały się po terenie kanionu, gdzie znaleźliśmy broń.

When the boots wore out, they'd be ready to listen.
Kiedy buty się zedrą będą gotowi nas posłuchać.

I have to sleep there and your boots are dirty.
Muszę na niej spać, a twoje buty są brudne.

There's a man next to you whose toes can be seen through his boots.
Obok ciebie siedzi człowiek, któremu widać palce przez dziury w butach.

Move! Heck, can we at least have our boots back?
Do diabła, przynajmniej moglibyśmy dostać nasze buty z powrotem?

Look at the boots the poor souls have to wear.
Proszę spojrzeć, jakie buty te biedne dusze muszą nosić.

Mary, what happened to your boots? Are you a true blonde?
Mary, co się stało z twoimi butami? jesteś blondynką czy farbujesz?

I paid 200 bucks for these boots and they kill my feet.
Zapłaciłam 200 dolców za te buty a one niszczą moje stopy.

Please tell me she isn't putting on rubber boots right now.
Błagam, powiedz że ona nie zakłada właśnie gumowych butów.

And I think there's enough traction left in these boots.
I myślę jest dość trakcja zostawiła w tych butach.

By the weekend, you need to be practicing in your show boots.
Przez weekend musisz trenować w butach na występ.

They are the same boots I wore when you betrayed me.
Te same buty nosiłem, gdy mnie zdradziłeś.

If it's so great an honor, why are you staring at your boots?
Skoro to tak wielki zaszczyt, czemu wpatrujesz się w swe ciżmy?

That would depend on whether or not you need to wear those boots.
To zależałoby od tego, czy musisz je nosić.

Jesus! between him and the boots, you're down two grand.
Między nim, a twoimi butami jest różnica 2 patoli.

About these leather boots I saw down at the plaza.
Na temat tych skórzanych butów, które widziałam w galerii.

Brand new boots and you put them out to be cleaned?
Nowe buty i dałeś je do czyszczenia?

That's why your servant asked me to remove my boots.
To dlatego sługa prosił mnie, abym zdjął buty?

Judging by my boots and uniform, I don't have any blood in me.
Sądząc po moich butach i ubraniu, nie mam w sobie żadnej krwi.

Wherever he is, you can bet your boots he's up to no good.
Gdzie by nie był bądź pewny, że nie robi niczego dobrego.

Someone like him wouldn't have taken off his boots.
Ktoś taki jak on nie zdejmuje butów.

You don't want to talk to broads with boots on.
Nie chcesz gadać z laskami w kamaszach. Mogą być i w kaloszach!

Get your boots off my bed and go to your room!
Zabieraj buciory z mojego łóżka i idź do swojego pokoju!

And he took the boots, the coat, his whole outfit.
Zabrano buty, płaszcz, cały jego strój.

She took her boots off, so's not to get blood on the suede.
Proszę popatrzeć na tę kobietę. Zdjęła buty, żeby nie poplamić krwią zamszu.

See if you can't find some boots and a parka for this man.
Sprawdź, czy nie uda ci się znaleźć jakichś butów i kurtki dla niego.

She walked upright in new boots, yet I tell you, her feet were bare.
Szła wyprostowana, w nowych butach, jednak mówię ci, jej stopy były bose.

I know you asked for more boots on the ground, but what happened happened.
Wiem, że prosiłeś o więcej ludzi, ale co się stało, to się nie odstanie.

And every week you insist on wearing those stupid boots.
A ty co tydzień przychodzisz w tych głupich butach.