Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Antiochia

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Theodora had a child at 14, and her older sister Comito, a famed singer, likely became mistress to several wealthy men; it's probable that both had several abortions. At 18, Theodora walked away from her astonishing career, to become mistress to Hecebolus, the governor of what is now known as Libya. When they broke up, not long afterwards, she joined an ascetic community in the desert near Alexandria, experiencing a religious conversion to a branch of early Christianity, Monophysitism, that was then under attack by the Roman state. The division between those who believed, with the state, that Christ was both fully human and fully divine in one, and those who, as Theodora did, believed His divinity was the prime force, raged on throughout Theodora's life. After her conversion, she travelled on to Antioch and is reputed to have worked with Macedonia, a woman a little older than her who was a dancer, but possibly also a spy. Antioch was the major city of Syria, one of the many provinces that were starting to question the supremacy of Constantinople â?? there would have been good work for spies on all sides.

I also bring good news from Antioch.
Mam również dobre wieści z Antiochii.

That's what people of Antioch said... right before they stoned my ass.
I właśnie to samo powiedzieli ludzie z Antiochii... zanim mnie ukamieniowali.

And a safe return to Antioch.
l bezpieczny powrót do Antiochii.

And now we can see the Syrian Patriarch of Antioch,
A teraz widzimy syryjskiego patriarchę Antiochii,

To Damascus then, or perhaps Antioch?
Do Damaszku? Czy może do Antiochii?

The priest Paphnuce walled her in her cell, in the desert, near Antioch.
Ksiądz Pafnucy zamurował ją w jej celi, na pustyni, niedaleko Antiochii.