(Adjective) bolący; zbolały; przejmujący;
ache - (Verb) boleć; odczuwać ból; cierpieć; (za)tęsknić, (za)pragnąć gorąco, mieć chęć, mieć ochotę;
achingly - (Adverb) boleśnie; z utęsknieniem; przejmująco;
ból m, bolesność f
adj. obolały
adj. bolący; bolesny
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
"One purpose of this memorial," says Kari Watkins, "is to teach the impact of violence. On Easter Monday, our biggest effort this year becomes law, against considerable opposition: that the story of the bomb be entered into the school curriculum for the state of Oklahoma. We need to teach this story, especially right now, when in America there are a lot of the same movements that were around in 1995, there's a similar mood, a polarisation. Look, no one wants the government on their backs â?? who does? - but all this alarms me, and we must work against it by teaching the consequences of violence against the language of violence."
"At least people can look up to them as a beacon of hope and peace for Pak-India relations," said Gilani. Butt concurred: "I am sure it will have far-reaching effects and help improve relations between the two countries." The former Pakistani prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, suggested political differences between the countries could be resolved through a similarly "positive approach".
Fabio Capello is fairly old for a novice. He prepares for his first match at the World Cup finals as a manager with his 64th birthday approaching on Friday. Flippancy aside, this is a new challenge for a man whose sole experience of the tournament came as a player in 1974 when Italy failed to get out of the group stage.
Will such an extreme approach take off in the UK? We certainly face similar problems. Official figures show that more than 1,200 newborns are hospitalised every year with neonatal abstinence syndrome, and thousands more are born with alcohol-related problems, often to mothers who have had other children taken into foster care. Two-thirds of children in care have parents with addiction issues; the figure rises to 80% in Scotland. Harris has come to Possilpark because a local woman, a grandmother caring for her heroin-addicted daughter's children, heard her on the radio and emailed saying it was the worst place in the UK for substance abuse. Isn't she scared to be approaching people on the street, in a place she doesn't know at all? She is, at 58, quite slow on her feet and with an accent that makes her rather incongruous here. "We'll be fine," she says.
Sadly England seldom do things the easy way and all their initial promise was undone five minutes before the interval by a goalkeeping howler to end all howlers. England had withdrawn into their shell with the luxury of an early lead, allowing the Americans to pin them back in their own half. Not too much harm came of it at first, the only real worry for Green was a Landon Donovan cross that a better touch from Jozy Altidore or any contact by Clint Dempsey might have turned into a goal, though a timely interception by Ledley King was necessary a few moments later to prevent Altidore's pass reaching Robbie Findley.
â?? GDP growth rises from 2010, reaching 2.75% in 2012. Growth then eases in 2014.
â?? CPI inflation stays above 3% in the near term, before easing and falling back below target in 2011, after the VAT rate change drops out of the annual comparison. CPI inflation then rises, reaching the 2 per cent target by the end of 2012.
â?? Employment stabilises this year and then rises from 2011 onwards, reaching just under 30 million in 2014. The ILO unemployment rate peaks in 2010, before falling back to 6.25% in 2014. Claimant count unemployment continues to fall throughout the forecast.
â?? Whole economy average earnings growth rises gradually in the forecast as productivity recovers. Growth of wages and salaries, which combine employment with average earnings, also picks up, reaching 5.25% in 2014.
Doctors had concerns about the police proposal. One fear was that it could deter gun owners from coming to them with concerns about their health; another was breaching the sacrosanct duty of confidentiality.
Your feet must be aching from all the walking around that you do.
Pańskie stopy muszą boleć od tego całego chodzenia.
But what I'm aching for is some color and beauty.
To również byłoby miłe, prawda? Tęsknię jednak za pewną barwą i pięknem.
Coming home aching, with grease on my hands and nothing to show for it.
Wraca codziennie do domu z brudnymi rękami i nic z tego nie ma.
Seems like that hole was just aching for another bullet.
Ta dziura aż prosiła się o kolejną kulę.
I got a judge that's just aching to throw me in jail.
Mam teraz na karku sędziego, który chce mnie wtrącić do paki.
Already, I feel the life returning to my tired and aching bones.
Już zaczynam czuć jak życie wraca do moich zmęczonych i nierozruszanych kości.
Every night, I sat in my room alone, aching for my father.
Każdej nocy siedziałam, sama w moim pokoju, bolejąc po tacie.
Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.
Mowią że miłość jest jak głód, wieczną bolesną potrzebą.
Of course Sir, as you see, his aching heart!
Oczywiście sir, jak widać jego zbolałe serce.
Let your aching head and stomach hear this message from old Speedy!
Stary Speedy ma wiadomość dla twojej bolącej głowy i żołądka!
Religion to the people, as an opiate for an aching limb.
Religia dla ludzi. Opium dla bolącego członka.
You're just aching for it to be me.
Bardzo byście chcieli, żebym to była ja.
Damian went there too, aching to be a Thespian.
Damian też poszedł na studia, ponieważ chciał zostać aktorem.
Except my aching heart over what she's done to my beautiful and brilliant Sofie.
Nic, oprócz mojego serca krwawiącego nad tym, co zrobiła mojej pięknej i bystrej Sophie.
Been aching to give it a try.
Nie mogłem się doczekać, żeby go wypróbować.
Yeah, it burns instead of just aching.
Nie tylko boli, ale i pali.
My lips are aching Take me to love
Moje usta bolą Zabierz mnie do miłości
Is this the poultice for my aching bones?
To ma być okład na te stare kości?
My heart is open and aching.
Moje serce jest otwarte i przepełnia je ból.
We need more patrols aching these filthy rats.
Potrzebujemy więcej patroli do spopielenia tych brudnych szczurów.
How different to this dull, aching existence.
Tak różne od tego nudnego, bolesnego istnienia.
Is it still aching a lot?
Wciąż cię to bardzo boli?
My body is aching a lot... and so is my heart.
Ciało boli mnie bardzo... tak samo moje serce.
It was really aching, to purpose.
Naprawdę prosiło się o poprawkę.
Yet I feel my heart is aching
Czuje ból mojego serca.
Aching teeth you can pull out but aching hearts, what to do with them?
Bolący ząb można wyleczyć. ale co zrobić z bólem w sercu?
How do you feel?N- I'm aching all over.
Jak się czujesz? - Jestem cała obolała.
I've got no appetite, I'm aching all over, I'm weak.
Nie mam apetytu, jestem obolały, słaby. Bolało?
How Lord Yasumaro's head must be aching!
Ależ bardzo głowa Lorda Yasumaro musi boleć !
Opium for the aching limb.
Opium dla bolącego członka.
I'm the Gypsy, and I'm guaranteed To mend his aching heart.
Jestem cyganką i zapewniam,... ...że uleczę jego zbolałe serce.
the assistant could not sleep... his heart in aching pain.'
Dzień przed przybyciem bogacza asystent nie mógł spać. Jego serce rozdarte w bólu.
Even with your stomach aching...
Nawet z przeszywającym bólem brzucha.
My... entire body is aching like hell...
Moje całe ciało boli jak cholera.
love-flesh swelling and deliciously aching.
Miłosć powiększa biodra i wyśmienicie rozluźnia.